Friday, October 1, 2010
Freestyle Friday
Who remembers when freestyle used to be in the basement with Rap City?
This was one of my favorite freestyle Fridays featuring Big Tigger and Lil Wayne:
Tigger lost it for a bit at the end (he got it back tho), Weezy started to show his lyrical genius (no wonder why his songs sound like they are coming off the top of his head...more then likely, they
What's your thoughts readers?
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Who Did It Better?

I'm pretty sure I already know everyone's answer to this, but I wanna see what yall think:
Or Dru Hill:
I got my money on ConFunkShun, although Dru Hill's remake was kinda hot too.
What says you folks?
Thursday, September 23, 2010
I Give Good Love

I'll buy your clothes
I'll cook your dinner too
Soon as I get home from work
This is a throwback from back in the day. Back when R&B was off the chains, when you such talent like New Edition, Tony, Toni, Ton&e, and Luther Vandross was riding the airwaves. This was the type of music that was played on the Quiet Storm after 9. (How many of yall remember this? lol). Babyface was the king of making the woman feel like she was worth a pot of gold. This was one of my favorites from him.
Another one was this one right here:
This was a classic breakup song. People who fell in love, and over just ended. I'm sure it's happened to all of us (or have seen it happen to people before).
For the Cool in You was one of those that just made you listen...and nod you head when you wanted a chill type song, not too fast, but not too slow. Shades on, and you showin "The Cool" in you.
This was one of the songs that brought about domestic abuse at a time when people didn't really stand up for it. Something that made people think about an issue that was slowly on the rise in the country.
And there were a couple of songs that featured Babyface that will always get play on my iPod: all time favorite song by her. Babyface wrote and even sang this song with her. They made a GREAT duo in this one.
Not too many people knew about this song...and the fact that Babyface wrote and featured in this one came as a shock to many.
Babyface is one that is timeless. From the 80s even up to now, his music will never grow old to those that can appreciate a good R&B song.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Diggy Makes His Appearance

OK...I'on know what it is about these young kids makin some hits and such....but I've been feeling the youthful moment (well some of it) lately. Last week I posted about Willow Smith whippin her hair around, and today I'm goin to another child of a major star, Diggy Simmons.
Diggy is talkin about some real grown up stuff in this song. I'm not sure what he would know about missing a girl that he loved in the teenage years, but I'm sure that he has his reasoning. LOL
But I'm sure we've had those moments when we missed that special someone in our lives...especially if you spent a long time with this person. Sometimes, you don't want to be back with them, but you do realize that you wonder if they still miss you like you miss them.
"i know were apart but you still got my heart and(i gotta know)
do you ever think about me"
That's kinda deep...especially for a teenager. But all in all, this applies to adults as well. So this song is not only applicable to real life, but the beat is kinda hot too. Diggy is tryin to come out knockin...
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Whip My Hair!

So yeaaaaah....back in the game now. I must say...that I had another song/artist in mind when I planned on making my return, but after I heard this song, I had to feature her:
Now upon first listen, you'd think that this was someone older....but when I found out who it was, I must say I was quite surprised. This is none other than 9 year old Willow Smith, daughter of Will and Jada Pinkett Smith. This song is a sleeper because I know expected NOBODY from the Smith family (outside of Will) to have talent like this. I guess I musta forgotten about his roots in the music industry before his acting career took off.
What's hilarious is that this 9 year old will make the likes of Rihanna, Keri, and all of them who are puttin out horrible music to when she blows up...look out. It's gone be nasty!
So ladies, whip ya hair back and forth (if you got any)....this is a pretty hot song to end the summer.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Ruff Ryyyyders....Mount UP!

It's's payday, and it's time to take it back one time. This album (Ruff Ryders Vol II) came out at the height of the days of RR and this was one of my faves from this song. It wasn't often that Drag-On put it down like this (in my eyes), but him coupled with Twista, and a bangin beat, OFF.THE.CHAINS.
Here's another one of my faves from the Ruff Ryders (Vol I though):
Eve...back when she was a "pitbull in a skirt". Another lady showing she can hold it down in the mist all the dudes in the camp. Brickhouse stallion for real.
Of course, I had to bring it in with the song from my
[greek]This brings back memories because right after this CD dropped, I was online for "Sigma! Sigma! My Brothers! Alphas better get right, Kappas better get it right!"[/greek]
And you can't post anything about the Ruff Ryder camp without including the anthem, their theme song:
Drag-On featuring Juvey....another bangin combination, back when Cash Money was who you wanted on your tracks (even though in my opinion Weezy is much better now than he was back then lol).
It's Friday folks....let get it!
Friday, August 6, 2010
Let's Toast It Up!

Got an addiction for life and this living
Like everyday's my birthday, know what I'm getting
And reserved for top notch that's where I'm sitting
Me and my friends and found 6 Miss Independents (Independents)
How many of us wanna do this right here?
This song is dedicated to the fact that it's Friday. Once we get off work, we're headed to the barber shop/beauty salon (if we didn't do it the day before), get into our weekend's finest, and we steppin out. I mean, everyone wants to get away from the week's ills of work and whatever and just float on #noelements to the good life.
I know for me and my boys, this rings true right here:
And my attitude's so chill and so breezy (breezy)
My designer suit, I make this look easy (easy)
Sexy baby, don't you dare act like you don't see me
Baby, I know you see me
Hey that's the attitude to have when steppin out. Can't have no "I ain't got it" mentality. LOL
And just for's another Fun Friday song by Ne-Yo.
Featuring Ne-Yo when he first came onto the scene.
Let's toast it up!
Friday, July 30, 2010
You're the Blood in my Veins

You're the air I breathe
On a hot summer day you're like a shirt with no sleeve
This is a deep song right here...full of power about the one you love. This song has been in my brain for a minute now, and I've been wanting to blog about here it goes. I'm sure my readers know this song, but if not, then enjoy it.
Angie and Calvin...this is real. Why? Because they were dating when they recorded I know at least ONE of them meant it. LOL
Now, here is the kicker: rumor is that when they broke up, Angie got mad and recorded this same song with Joe. How scandalous is that?!
But here is the other version...let's see which one you guys like better.
Leave your thoughts easy!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Thoughtful Thursday - When You Say You Love Someone

How much do you really love that person? You say that you would go to the ends of the earth for them...and that's all well and dandy, but what happens when someone else catches your eye? You know your heart belongs to the person that you're with, but for some reason, this other person has caught your interest so tough, that you're in a dilemma. Donell Jones described how he would handle this situation:
I had a full blown discussion with a couple of people that I follow on Twitter about this topic. They said that this type of stuff can happen to anyone, no matter what the situation or how long they've been in a relationship. I tend to agree with them. You can't help who you fall in love with, and if you put yourself in their vicinity for long enough, you'll find yourself mixed up in an emotional battle that you weren't prepared for.
This sucks for a number of reasons: #1 being that the person that you're involved with has NO clue what's going on. They think that all is well in their life, when all along, they have no clue that the world that they know and love is about to come crashing down around them. #2 is because all the while, more than likely, you're about to lose something good because you allowed yourself to get caught up in the game. It's bad all the way around, but you got yourself into this it's up to you to get yourself out of it. There's plenty more reasons I could list, but we'd be here all day!
Now here's the kicker: I actually agree with the sentiment that he poses in this song. I'd rather you leave me alone, than to play me for the fool by juggling (or attempting to at least) a bunch of folks around while keeping me in the dark. So if you've got to roll out because of this, then I'll chuck you the deuces quick, fast, and in a hurry. It may hurt like hell, and we may not talk for quite some time, but in the end, I think I'd respect you more for ending what we have, than running around trying to hide it. I know this sounds strange, but it's the honest to God truth. I don't know if I can think of a single person who would say otherwise (at least truthfully). Think about it long and hard.
How do you feel about this topic? Readers...drop your thoughts!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Farewell to My Fallen Brother

Lately, I've been feeling some kinda way about life in general...and although I have been receiving a lot of blessings as of late, something was keeping me down. Yesterday was especially bad, because I woke up just knowing that it was gonna be "one of those days", where I knew I was about to be in a bad mood. Then it hit me:
Today is my deceased brother's birthday. I'm not sure many of my readers knew I had an older brother, much less a deceased older brother. Well yep..I do. He passed away almost 13 years ago to an alcohol related accident. Although many years have passed, I still feel some type of pain whenever two specific dates come around: 1.) his birthday and 2.) the date he died.
Now I didn't write this post to gain any sympathy from my readers...but I always tell people that blogging/writing is very therapeutic for me, and that I always feel better after doing so. Also, I was told today that my blogging was missed, and that I needed to make that happen again. Not to mention, that I think this song appropriate in showing how I feel to my readers. I'm sure that we've all lost someone special to us in life, and at that time, you just didn't know how to say goodbye to them. To me, it's just as hard down the line to say that word, as it is fresh after that infamous day. I just look at it this way though...he knows what's goin on as I believe that he's looking down upon me right now...watching my every move.
Just as a bonus, I'm posting a song that was really popular around the time that he passed...I know. Don't judge me. LOL
Monday, July 12, 2010

Nope...this ain't about Maxwell. Gotcha!
How many folks remember this dude:
This song was bangin....and then he just fell off the face of the earth. Like really? What happened to this dude? Maybe he shoulda hung out with some like minded the 3Ts (Tony Toni Tone...and if you don't know who they are then you need to check this out.)
Hmmm....this dude coulda been a starrah. Unfortunately, he fell into that same river that Noel Gourdin been singin about since '47. But at least he got his 15
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Where Do You Go....

In time of trouble? How do you handle the situations of your life that aren't that great....well, I mean that have you downright ready just to snap? I know we've all been through those times how do you handle it? Here is one song that I have on REPEAT when I go through those times.
Recently, I just felt like I had been under attack for no apparent reason. I always know something is going on when it feels like the world around me was crashing down on my head. Usually, when this happens, I start to listen to gospel music extra tough...just because I know where my help comes from. (that tidbit came courtesy of a post I read yesterday...shoutout to SIL). This song comes right in handy for me...because I know that regardless of what's going on my life, God will make a way.
Even though I can't see you
And I can't feel your touch
I will trust you Lord
How I love you so much
Though my nights may seem long
and I feel so alone
Lord my trust is in YOU
I surrender to YOU
Those are deep words right there. But those are the truth if you really think about it.
Here are a couple of songs that I love to listen to when I'm goin through:
Now if you know me, then you know that I'm always talking about a "quiet place" or "perfect peace". Honestly, in my mind, they go hand in hand with each other. Normally, when I go to my quiet place, perfect peace is what I'm looking for. It's what keeps me in focus when I'm about to go crazy.
And what I love about this time is that when it's over with, things normally come out 10 times better than when I started....which makes me appreciate THIS song even more:
Just when I thought all was said and done, God said "Not GUILTY". Shoutout to Thin Mint for puttin me onto this song.
I hope that this blesses someone immensely....and remember "you can't see the rainbow without goin through the RAIN".
Be Blessed readers!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Well Lemme Roll Me a Mic

And let me smoke it til' I'm high
If you ever seen me rock than you know that I
Live and die for the things I do slang I use
Breakin' down mics and destroyin' crews.
Now I know that this is gonna get some #sideeyes because people weren't really feeling Kris Kross by the time that Young, Rich, and Dangerous came on the scene. Everyone knew that KK was on their last leg in the game, but they were here to show you that they weren't done just yet...matter of fact, they showin folks that they were back and on their grown up game.
Live and Die for Hip Hop was a banger out the gate. The beat produced by Jermaine Dupri (in his prime) brought in the song on a hype beat, and combined with Da Brat and Aaliyah, it had folks jockin them and respectin them once again.
I still like this song and bump it regularly. Granted, YRD wasn't their best cd...but this song was a hot track though. Even Jermaine had a bangin ending to the you know it's off the chains. LOL.
Can't knock them for leaving the game on a high note...
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Passion and Desire

Come See Me
After going to the Jill Scott/Maxwell concert on Friday, listening to Jill sing this song live made me want to revisit it. Now I can't even put it down. I must say that this is one of the more sexy songs that I've heard put it down....and to hear it live was PHENOMINAL. Seriously, this song makes me wanna give it to her...while she was singin it.
Then she came right behind that singing this song.
Now I must admit, I didn't realize how much of a sexual cd this Vol 3 was. After hearing her singing these two songs...she made me go back and revisit it. Jill def did her thing on this cd.
But it's something within me that will always love original Jill.
"Who is Jill Scott"? That was the question that we all wanted to know.
One of my favorites from that cd was this right here:
This is CLASSIC Jill...when she sang about food and sex...and how sex made her want food...and food reminded her of sex.
She wants her dude to show her that he loves her instead of just saying the words. Honestly, it's interesting, becus I was having this conversation with someone not too long ago.
But nothing will ever....and I mean EVER top this song (although Come See Me is up there now). This will always be my #1 song by Jilly from Philly.
So what says you...which one do you prefer? Classic Jill or Sexy Jill.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Thoughtful Thursday: Is There a Cure?

I know I've chatted about this song before, but as I listened to it more and more, it made me think about some things that I never would have thought about before. there a cure for that?
Raheem DeVaughn seems to think that there is. Unfortunately, the problem is this: once you have it the first time, it would seem that you would be addicted to it. Now there's not a problem with being addicted to this "Love Drug"; but the real question is this: do you have to have this drug ALL the time, or is it that you can have it in doses?
I would think that this is one of those things that you SHOULD have in doses; yet and still, it's one of those that you WANT to have all the time. Let's face it; if you are deep in love, then you'll need it all the time. And there's definitely nothing wrong with that...especially if the love that you feel is requited by the object of your desires.
This "prescription" should be handled with care though. Cause it's been known to take you sky high when you're lip locked with that special someone. It should probably be dubbed "The Starship Enterprise"....cause it takes you where "no man has gone before". LOL. But on the real though, I've been there before. It definitely had me addicted, and not where I couldn't kick it, but I didn't WANT to kick it.
The sad part is that whenever you happen to kick this habit, that means that you're no longer in love. And nobody wants to be there...because being in love can be one of the best feelings in the world: to know that you love a special someone, and that special someone loves you back. So whenever you come across this particular drug, make sure that you get as much of it as you can.
The demand is always there, but the supply can run low at times. But I always got what you need.....
Cause I'm your Mr. Midnight pusher man.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
I'm thinking of you

In my sleepless solitude tonight
If it's wrong to love you
Then my heart just won't let me be right
Cause I'm drowned in you
And I won't pull through
Without you by my side
I've been wanting to post something for the past week, but my mind wasn't working on music mode due to music. But since I've given the canary off for the past couple of days, my mind is back to working in its normal capacity (whatever that may happen to This is one of scratch that....this is my FAVORITE song by Mariah. The one where I could feel the emotion pouring from her soul.
This song came from her Butterfly CD, circa 1997....right after the nasty divorce from Tommy Mattola of Sony Entertainment. Many people wondered how she was going to fair after that, being as though he was the one who really brought her into the game, but Mimi wanted to let the world (especially him) know that she wasn't going anywhere and she was gonna make it to the top...with or without him.
I thought about this song about reading blog postings earlier about love and intimacy...and both of them prompted me to think of this song. I don't know why, but I think that this song is the epitome of what REAL love and intimacy should be comprised of. Mariah is singing about a man that she loves SO much, that she'd be happy with just ONE night alone with him to show her love for him. That's some serious love to me. One day...just one day.
I'd give my all to have
Just one more night with you
I'd risk my life to feel
Your body next to mine.
Cause I can't go on
Living in the memory of our song
I'd give my all,
for your love
This is the Mimi that I know and loved...not this madness that she's turned into.
Just as a bonus...this is another one of my favorites from Meems.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
You Want my Love

And you can't deny it...
You know it's true..but you try to hide it
This has always been one of my FAVORITE Earth Wind & Fire songs. The Elements (as I like to call them), always just jammed with it, and anyone who knows me (or even anyone who's read this blog) know I love a song that I can bob my head to. But honestly, it's hard to have just ONE favorite EWF song...because they made music that spans not only the 70s/80s when it first came out, but it seems to span across all decades, and especially across all (well most) generations. I can remember listenin to this music with my moms, as we'd be cleaning up the house, and she would put on her EWF albums. (Which I always loved...cause the other cleaning music was Isaac Hayes..*smh*).
My other two favorite songs are these right here:
Fantasy...always made me want to go on a magic carpet ride #nooutkast. (my true hip hop heads will know what I'm talkin
And those who know Mr. Philip Bailey, know him for this song:
Now be real with me folks? How many of you tried to hit those high notes that Philip used to hit in this song? Maybe not in public...maybe in the shower, or when you knew you were home alone. LOL
D'Angelo did a good cover of this song as well. Peep it out.
It's just too bad that his background singers are THEE worst. I don't understand how he couldn't hear that during rehearsals. LOL.
Have a good day readers and leave your thoughts!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
I'm Single....for real

In light of the recent video jumpoff that's being passed along, I figured I would provide the musical soundtrack for it. I mean just fits. This is dedicated to the chick who said she could "smash the homies" while on the phone with her boyfriend.
Now if you don't know what I'm talking about, please check out my boy Streetz' post on Now here's the warning, this is NOT work suitable, and anything that you see in this video can NOT be held against me or the person whose site you saw it at. But yeah, she was REAL disrespectful wit it, and IMO, she deserves to blasted as such. But moving on....
This song is from Weezy's No Ceilings mixtape (although I'm not sure why there's a video for it...but I digress lol). When I first heard it, the beat automatically got me because I knew I heard it from somewhere else in a past time. Then I realized that it reminded me of beats from back in the day that used to knock like that. If you wanna know what song it is, click here. So it already caught me there...then to hear what he was talkin about, I thought it real coincidental that I hear that song after reading/watching the scandalocity (yeah I know I made that one of that video.
But really tho...Weezy's words are probably what's goin through ole dude's mind that's videotaping her:
Uhh, now she got on her fuck em dress,
And I got on my double breast,
Uh, and he been fussing all day with her,
And I make her feel special like a place kicker,
She wanna be weezy f baby sitter,
Say she wish she could cut my dick off and take it with her <---I bet ole girl was wishin that one.
I know there are very respectable ladies who don't subscribe to the #swindle that ole guhl pulled, but when one gets down like that, the majority just get grouped in with. I know that it ain't like that...but she def was gully with hers. I think she listened to this song before she decided to get down on the dome like she did. LOL
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Happy Feelings

Today has been a really good day. It's only fitting that I blog about this song right here.
On the real tip, I think Ledisi did a GREAT job covering this track. Now, of course, this was on a cd full of covers, simply because it was a cd dedicated to Maze and Frankie Beverly, but I think that this was one of the more better covers of them all.
Makes me wanna pop open the sunroof, throw this on repeat and just riiiiiiiiiiide on out! What ya think peeps?
Monday, May 17, 2010
I Am Dust

it's just another day
another episode
of hiding under the world
it's just another ray
of merciful hope
Have you ever felt like it's just another day...same wake up, do your normal mundane routine, and go to bed? Is it because your live is just that boring....or is it because of something else? Well according to Van's because he's goin crazy. It's something that he's become acclimated to.
Van Hunt is one of those people who is really a sleeper musician. He's got the style like Lenny Kravitz, but he makes it his own with his music. While many people know about Lenny, he's one of those people whose songs are sittin right under your nose, and you don't hear what he's talking about. He's definitely talkin about some real life stuff in his music.
I'm already insane
I'm already in pain
I'm already insane
I am dust blown away over the edge
Here is another one of life's little wonders:
We always see the big things that happen to us, but do we take the time to look around and look at the little things around us that bring us joy? I know me being a simple man, I do...but that's because it's so easy to make me happy. Shoot, just being able to laugh at the little things is what keeps me sane and not ready to slit someone else's wrists (well I do wanna do that sometimes...but don't judge me lol). I think he describes what I'm talkin about best here:
I hold on to the feeling
I don't know when I will feel it again
I've become amused by the little things
Seconds of pleasure
And can't mention Van Hunt without this song here. I think this is what made me start listening to his music on a constant basis:
This song is real deep...he's sayin that it's the pain he goes through makes it all worth it to be with her. You can't be in a real relationship unless you are goin through the lows as well as the highs with that person. I agree with him, because if the relationship is perfect, then 9 times outta 10, your relationship is boring. If it's boring, then it's gone have you lookin elsewhere for excitement. He's ready to go to Hell to love her while in Heaven. That's real right there...real deep. I think we all could get into that type of love. I know I could.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Don't Go

I'm so glad to see you
Now I have the chance to say
Our love's been growing freely
What must I do to make you stay
This is one of my favorite En Vogue songs...back when fellas used to battle over whether Terry or Dawn was the baddest one. Back when we used to listen to how sweet their sounds were, even though they had very little rhythm. lol.
Also, here is another favorite by them...I know all the ladies who read my blog can attest that they were singin this song when it came out:
I know I wanted to be one of those dudes in the video...especially on the front row. lol. Enjoy!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Rainy Days

Nah this ain't about that Ja Rule song featuring It's a dedication to the weather outside, and if you know me, then you'll know that rain puts me in a relaxed state of mind. One where you wanna throw on some chill type music, kick back, and just enjoy....whether it be with your boo, or even by yourself.
This song is a perfect example of what's on my "Rainy Days" playlist. Soft soulful music like this, to help clear the mind of the day's ills. I've always loved this song even though this was nearing the end of what we knew as SWV, but they def went out with a bang.
Here is another one on my playlist:
This is a throwback/shoutout to 1994 when soundtracks were all the rage. This one is coming from the Sugar Hill Soundtrack featuring Kevon Edmonds (baby brother of great producing legend Babyface). Back in the time when harmonizing was what you wanted in life. Still love this song to this day. I'm sure all my REAL musicheads remember this one.
And you can't have a rainy day mix without the all-time favorite song about "rain":
New Edition's Heartbreak. Every black teen had a copy of this album (or at least should Hearing these 5 dudes croon about how they had a love, and lost it, and having to stand the rain....granted, we were too young to know what they were talking about, but we loved the song nonetheless. Either way, we sang like we knew exactly what they meant. (At least I did).
And for good is a bonus track:
No explanation least I hope not. lol
Monday, May 10, 2010
A Dream...a simple FANTASY

I'on know why...but I been on this song real tough lately. Honestly, this is a song that old as all getout, but it still bangs on the old skool tip.
The song is hawt. Period. Even though it's almost 20 years old. But then again, DeBarge music is just timeless (except that Chico ninja...can't STAND his music. Nothing like the rest of his family.)
Mary did a bangin job on her remake of it too....peep it out.
As a matter of fact, who do you think did better on it? Speak ya mind!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
This is Siete's Testimony

OK, this isn't really what the song says, but darnit, we all got a story right? I know we've all been through things where we just needed some uplifting. Here is Mary's:
Now anyone who is remotely a music person (or even removed their heads from up under the rocks) will know that Mary has been through A LOT in her days. From being strung out on crack, to being used and abused by K-Ci. So if anyone has a story to tell, it would definitely be Mary. Even though I say that I loved Mary the most during those days, there's a lot to be said about a woman who could endure what she did and still continue to live and sing about her past.
Lately, I've had some things goin on my life, where I can say that I've felt like I know where Mary's been...not necessarily the exact same situation (or really nothing like what she's been through), but my own personal drama. Sometimes, you just gotta look towards other people's storyline to put your own into perspective. And then there's also listening to the words that Mary speaks through this song:
Through my trials and tribulations
I still believe
That god had a greater plan for me
Exceeded all my expectations
But when he gave me what I need
And now I'm set free
Listening to this song definitely makes me feel better about what I'm going through...and I hope that she can do the same for you. Although this was from a pretty weak CD "No More Drama", this was one of the few standout songs. Actually it was because of this song and He Think I Don't Know that I even own this cd in the first place. lol.
I think that the hook drives the point home in this song.
This is my story
This is my song
(This is my song)
This is the day I celebrate
My trouble's are gone
If you can live your life following those words, then you won't have much to worry about.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
I'm Not Meant....

To live alone...
Turn this house into a home...
Today has been quite a day today. We lost 2 great people, from different cultures albeit, but great in their own right nonetheless. Today, we lost Dr. Dorothy I. Height, president Emeritus of the National Council for Negro Women and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., and also we lost Keith Elam known as G.U.R.U., 1/2 of the hip hop duo GangStarr. Both of these people inspired many people, and will be known for the work they did, as well as the lives they touched.
What people don't realize in the midst of this tragedy, is that another great legend was born. Luther Ronzoni Vandross was born on this day in 1951, and while he is no longer in the land of the living, I am dedicating today's post to a life that was great, instead of mourning the dead. And because of such, I want to post 2 of my other favorite songs by Luther (because I already did here to see which one.)
This is the epitome of an I'm missing you song. I mean, if you sift through the words that he's using, you'll see that he's telling her that he misses her in the worst way. The items in the house are just items...but they come alive whenever she's there. That's real love right there...cause the house is cold and empty until she brings her love in and warms it up.
Next up is a song completely the opposite of the first one I just posted. Instead of them being together in real life, this relationship is "in his head".
This one is a classic "Fatal Attraction" song. He's fallen in love with a voice from the radio, and he's now imagined that she's equally in love with him as well. *smh* I'm not sure who/what did that too him, but can't you just see him standing outside her window, or in her bedroom while she sleeps?! LOL. I guess when she sings that "one song" so sweetly, that it's hard not to run up on it. I can't say I would, but is what it is.
These two songs right here (plus the one I already blogged about) are always in my rotation, and will stay in there. Mr. Vandross, you are added to the list of singers who influenced the game, and touched many people's hearts and ears through your gift of song. So on this day, I wish you a happy birthday, and hope that you're celebrating it with those gone on before you in Heaven.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
I'll Be Obliged

If you step outside
Because my ride is awaitin
Now everyone knows that I'm from Tennessee BORN AND RAISED, and while we're not known for much on the rap/hip-hop tip, we did have a few to make it out the hood and onto the vinyl/plastic. Memphis, known as 1-town, produced great legends 8Ball & MJG, and because of them, we have the everlasting pimptacular song:
When this dropped in '95, this was all that bumped in the great state of Tennessee. Not to mention that it was being featured on all of the top rap/hip-hop video shows (not like 106th and Park, but real ones like Rap City). Another one is
I'd drop this one onto the "songs I want my girl to give me a show to" list. (See here for that). I'm sure she'd get mad tips from me...and yeah I'd break her off some money for it too. lol
And of course, you know I can't forget about Grammy award winning Three 6 Mafia. See they were a sleeper group, and a lot of folks didn't know about them before they blew up. They were hawt in the TN streets since the early 90s when they had the not so nice image...but they still had a sick flow. To me, it actually kinda rivaled Bone Thugs' flow, such as in this song.
And of course, I can't forget the TN that still gets me hype whenever I hear it (which is whenever I want because it's on the iPod):
Here we have a super bangin collabo with Three 6 (Memphis), 8Ball and MJG (Memphis), and Young Buck (Nashville). All 3 verses are one that just keep the game lit up, not to mention that this beat is off the chains. Even though this dropped back in 2005, I bet you can still bump this in the South and it'll get folks madd hype. Matter fact, I still got this song on a "Get Krunk" playlist because of this verse right here:
MJ finna sprinkle in some of that,
super incredible, have a nigga runnin back
Where that nigga with the hood sticky number at?
Cuttin up a cigarillo like a lumber jack
In the mornin, when I need this and breath again a whole lotta weed but uh
I'm needin somebody to give me what I need
when I want nothin less then the best of the trees
DJ Paul and Juicy J, Eightball and MJG
And Young Buck we don't give a fuck we must represent this Tennessee
We drink a whole lot of Hennessy
Nigga got a lil hair on his chest
Do me like Bill Clinton girl, take it out ya mouth
we'll shoot it right down on your dress
And that my friends ends the tour into the musical styles of Tennessee...I hope you've enjoyed your tour and please...come again!
Monday, April 12, 2010
You Should Be Here

Two of r&b's good talented singers (at that time anyways), join together and make a bangin song. Raphael Saadiq and D'Angelo collaborate and this is what you get:
The song is hawt. Ain't no ifs, ands, or buts about it. And honestly, they put out the words that a lot of men want to tell their ladies (or side pieces, or jump
I just wanna drive you crazy
You should be here in the mornin' time
When I'm makin' my breakfast
You should be here beneath me
To feel me, to heal me
You should be here to ride me
To trap me and climb me
This was back when D'Angelo still had a career and before Raphael fell off the ends of the earth. D was still riding high offa "How Does It Feel" and Raphael had just ended a great run with the 3Ts (if you don't know who I'm talkin about then click here)
This was just on my mind and I thought I'd share it with the world...or at least those that read this blog. LOL Enjoy!
Monday, April 5, 2010
What's On My Mind

So the long awaited cd has finally dropped. People heard the first single, and then was amazed at the video that came along with it. I don't think that people were ready to see you strip down in real life in the middle of a major street in Dallas, TX. Well guess what, she's here, and she's letting the world know that she ain't playing the game anymore, because the game is hers for the taking.

This is definitely a change-up in the game from her first cd "New Amerykah, Pt. 1: 4th World War". It reminds me of her old style, which drew me to love her in the first place. I'm not going to go into that, mainly because I've done that already here, so you can read my thoughts on the first two cds. Only thing I didn't like about this is that it's super the time you get into it, it's about to go off.
But she ended it on a great note with this song:
This song right here is the perfect song to end it on. It's almost like she's having flashbacks to when she and ole dude were together, but on the brink of being separated for good. Not sure if anyone else thought about this (although I know one person already, but this is giving me Green Eyes precedence. Think about it...she's talking bout all the things that she'd do for him, and all the while, realizing that she's been the fool for him. Green Eyes is just picking up where she left off. I also like the way she sampled different songs (such as Junior Mafia's Get Money and Sweet Sable's Old Time Sake).
All in all, I'll give this a 3.5 out of 5 stars. I think that if she would have made it a bit longer then I would have given it a higher rating. But I must say, this was a good comeback, cause in my opinion, she hadn't had a banger since Mama's Gun. This is a good rideout cd. It's somewhat a bitter in a love lost sort of way, but I don't see it making women want to go out and start stabbin up people's tires or bustin out windows. I endorse it.
Good job Erykah! You ain't lost it after all.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Are We Living in a Dream World?

Are your eyes still green girl?
I know your sick and tired of arguing
But you can't keep it bottled in
Yeah I know I haven't blogged in some time, but it's been a busy month of know with me celebrating my 30th birthday, and all the odds and ends in between. I haven't had time to properly have some alone time with my blog. Well that's all ended, and I got ideas flowing out the ears that I want to put down on paper (well electronic
Today's post is about the beginning and end of a relationship. I've already done in betweens and what it's like when we want to express our feelings to our ladies. But today's artist is one who gave me a song about falling in love with someone, and in the next breath, it's all goin to shambles in a fiery death. Honestly, I'm sure all my readers can feel me on this one. What's even more funny is that these are my two favorite songs by Mr. Common (Sense). The first one:
This song always gives me hope that there can (and will be) someone for everyone. Even though you've had to go up the rough side of the mountain in order to get to that person, once you've gotten to him/her, then it's all gravy. You can tell that person that they can leave the past behind on this present day, because it's me + you = the future. These words just let you know right here:
Put down your bags love
I know in the past love
Has been sort of hard in you
But I see the God in you
I just want to nurture it
Though this love may hurt a bit
We dealing wit this water love
You even give my daughter love
I want to build a tribe wit you
Protect and provide for you
Truth is I can't hide from you
The pimp in me
May have to die with you
Now once you and said significant other have established that relationship, then all is well for the rest of eternity right? Not quite. We all know that this ain't the old days, when relationships stood the test of time. These days, you're lucky to see 5 years in the game. This song talks about that other end of the relationship game:
I dig this song because he describes the afterthoughts of a know that you should be done with this person, but I mean hey, sometimes it's not that easy to let go. I mean, if you were that involved with that person, you may never let go of that person, even though you know that in order to progress forward....I recommend this to those who have been there with that significant other, that you just can't seem to let go of.
Even though Common got turned out by Erykah Badu, he still can produce a good cd. I just hope he gets his act together and gets back into CDs like Finding Forever.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Big City, Bright Lights

Sleep all day
Fuck all night...
Baby I'ma
Oh baby I'ma
Now for those of you who remotely know me, know that for me to say that I don't like Rihanna's latest CD, would know that's a strong understatement. I think I was very disappointed because I expected a lot more from her CD than what she gave me...but I was able to find a couple of tracks I liked and this was one of em:
This song is def worthy of bump. Rihanna is showing the true essence of her "Good Girl Gone Bad" in this song, while she describes the life of a rock star. I know a lot of people have heard of this, well listening to this song, you'll get it verbatim. She also telling you that to be a rock star, you got to have a slight issue in the brain...well maybe more than a slight one (read psychotic here).
Six inch walker
Big sh** talker
I never play the victim
Id rather be a stalker
Wildn out
A crazy house
With my white jacket on
Wont you come
And sign me out
I always said a song that has a bangin guitar riff was one worthy of my praise..well this song not only has a bangin guitar riff, but it's got a beat drop to match it. It makes me wanna go take guitar lessons just to be able to imitate this riff! "The only thing Im missing is a black guitar"
Hey...I'm just sayin.
Even though I hated Rated R, this song gets 2 thumbs up. I say this song is the best one of the entire album, which ain't sayin much, but's a banger nonetheless!
Im a rockstar!
Friday, March 19, 2010
I Know A Place Where We Can Go

Today's post came from a CD I didn't necessarily like, simply because it was too commercialized for my tastes. There are certain artists that don't fit the mainstream profile in my eyes, so when they try to "mainstream" their music, it's a complete and ultimate fail. But out of that dark cloud of a cd, this song was one of the VERY FEW silver linings.
It's a combination that one wouldn't expect to pop, but I think it did, and quite well might I add. Because I didn't really give Kingdom Come my full attention when I gave it the listen, I really didn't peep this song too tough. When I saw JL in concert, he sang this song, and that's when it caught my attention. So I had to revisit it, and realize that it really was better than I thought it was.
Yall know me..I'm all about a song with a bangin beat, and words to ride to. This definitely fits into that category...and honestly, I think that this was one of the few songs that could fit in with any of the other cds that Jay produced. As stated earlier, with the likes of Hollywood and Show Me What You Got, commercialism was about to take over that cd with a vengeance, but then this song and a couple of others saved it from taking that fiery death into mainstream (and also kept it from being his WORST album to date *#shoutout to those who thought that Roc La Familia was a good album...all 12 of yall*)
I guess the moral of this story is, don't judge a song becus of the rest of the Happy Friday!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
You're Like a Mirror to My Soul

...but a queen
And finally now I know just what that means
I'm not sure why this particular song has been runnin TUFF in my mind over the past few days. I DO know that it's been on constant repeat in my brain (and on the iPod, and on YouTube as well), but eh, it is what it is.
For those of you who remember pudgy Usher singin "Just Call Me a Mack", here is the new and improved, grown up Usher. I attest a lot of this "maturity" to what he's been through in the past few years between relationship issues with Chilli, getting married and becoming a father, not to mention coming into his own as an artist. I also think that what he has endured enabled him to sing this song with such conviction that makes you believe that whomever he's singing this song to is "The One" for him.
Previously, I did a post on wedding songs, but I'd definitely add this one to my list. Only thing is that instead of him singin it, I'd sing it to my wife (yeah, betcha didn't know I could keep a Or if not that, this would definitely be the first dance song....cause this is the impression that I'd want to leave in her mind from the moment that I say "I Do".
No matter how far I go
And no matter how long it takes
No one or nothing can change
Forever yours here I stand
Thursday, March 11, 2010
She Gives Me Love

Today we're taking it back to the old school. 1994 to be exact. Freshman year of high school....the world was just learning of a man who introduced himself to the world singing high pitches of "One Last Cry" - Mr. Brian McKnight. His sophomore album gave us one of my favorite songs by B. Mac:
Crazy Love is exactly what it is. That love that is undefinable, yet you still wanna partake in it. It's not slow and sappy, but still romantic enough to let it get you where you wanna be with that special someone.
I can hear her heart beat from a thousand miles
Hear the heavens open, every time she smiles
And when I come to her, that's what I belong
And I run into her, like a river strong.
She gives me love, love, love, love
Crazy love
That's real....if you can define your lady/man like that, then you just might have found the one for you. This is when I really started to actually appreciate music by Brian.
Here is the another reason why:
Now don't judge me on this one. Cause after you've been all lovey dovey, don't act like yall ain't gone get it in...(just hopefully not in the back seat....but if so, then be owt. lol).
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
What's Beef?

And nah, I ain't talkin about what's for dinner...or even where is it. I'm talkin about that stuff that got niggas shot up about....that stuff that produced many a bangin track, cause someone decided to rip someone apart.
Here is how beef is described by Biggie:
What's beef? Beef is when you need two gats to go to sleep
Beef is when your moms ain't safe up in the streets
Beef is when I see you
Guaranteed to be in ICU, one more time
What's beef? Beef is when you make your enemies start your Jeep
Beef is when you roll no less than thirty deep
Beef is when I see you
Guaranteed to be in ICU...
Today is a special day in the life of hip-hop, because this is the day that the great Notorious B.I.G. was murdered. Biggie was one half of one of the greatest beefs to ever hit music (2Pac being the other). I know folks loved to hear those two go back and forth about everything from style/swagger to cliques they rolled with. To me, Biggie kept it real, raw, and uncut. It was what it was. And that's all it was goin to be.
Even though he only dropped 3 albums (well some say 2, but eh #kanyeshrug), his flow and music was nothin to be effed with. Biggie dropped tracks that were club bangers (and some of them still are), those that were ride outs in the car, and even those that riled up the inner thug in you (that's if you got some of that).
I already posted once about my favorite song by Biggie - see here, but here are some of my other favorites that I always bang on the iPod...even though they all came out in the 90s.
10 Crack Commandments: Rules that all street pharmaceutical salesmen should live by.
Who Shot Ya?: During the height of the Biggie/Pac battles. Biggie wasn't playin. lol
One More Chance (remix): This song was so great, that even Ashanti could bite the music and make a hit. lol
You're Nobody (Til Somebody Kills You): This is the real though. People don't know you til you're no longer here.
Fuck Me: Real raunchy, but this interlude was HILARIOUS!
Livin the Life: One of the best tributes to Biggie. Snoop, Luda, and Bobby V set it out on this one.
Biggie, your lyrical mastermind will always live on. RIP Christopher Wallace

Friday, March 5, 2010
What's that #1 Zodiac Sign? PISCES!

This one is dedicated to guess who? That's right? ME!!!!
Happy Birthday to's Dirty 30 and I'm lovin it already!
Monday, March 1, 2010
Mellow Monday

I had to take it back to 1995, and shout out one of the best CDs that came out that year (if not the best one...I know that was a good year for music). This CD was one that introduced the world to the man known as D'Angelo, and when he busted onto the scene, he came out SMOKIN. This is the song that made me instantly dig "Brown Sugar" once I first heard it:
Honestly, there are plenty of songs that could have made the favorites list, because that whole cd was one big banger from beginning to end. But this song has that laidback feel to you could be in a club somewhere, watching him perform this with a live band behind him. Anyone who knows me, knows that's my type of atmosphere. Don't get me wrong, I can get it krunk with the best of em, but I'm more into gettin my grown man on these days...and music like this helps move the flow along.
Now there are other songs from this CD that I have to play whenever I listen to this CD. I know all my 90s music heads probably have their own favorites, but I betcha that the choices overlap in some sort of way.
Brown Sugar: This title song was the tune in everyone's ear when it first dropped.
Cruisin: The remake of the old Smokey Robinson hit...D'Angelo definitely did it justice.
Shit, Damn, Mutherfucker: When steppin out on your dude goes completely to the left...she shoulda quit while she was ahead, and not dead. lol
Higher: A religious kick with a smooth jazz tone. I like it!
Music like this is why I still ride hard for the 90s. Nothing will ever touch it. NOTHING!
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