Wednesday, May 5, 2010

This is Siete's Testimony

OK, this isn't really what the song says, but darnit, we all got a story right? I know we've all been through things where we just needed some uplifting. Here is Mary's:

Now anyone who is remotely a music person (or even removed their heads from up under the rocks) will know that Mary has been through A LOT in her days. From being strung out on crack, to being used and abused by K-Ci. So if anyone has a story to tell, it would definitely be Mary. Even though I say that I loved Mary the most during those days, there's a lot to be said about a woman who could endure what she did and still continue to live and sing about her past.

Lately, I've had some things goin on my life, where I can say that I've felt like I know where Mary's been...not necessarily the exact same situation (or really nothing like what she's been through), but my own personal drama. Sometimes, you just gotta look towards other people's storyline to put your own into perspective. And then there's also listening to the words that Mary speaks through this song:

Through my trials and tribulations
I still believe
That god had a greater plan for me
Exceeded all my expectations
But when he gave me what I need
And now I'm set free

Listening to this song definitely makes me feel better about what I'm going through...and I hope that she can do the same for you. Although this was from a pretty weak CD "No More Drama", this was one of the few standout songs. Actually it was because of this song and He Think I Don't Know that I even own this cd in the first place. lol.

I think that the hook drives the point home in this song.

This is my story
This is my song
(This is my song)
This is the day I celebrate
My trouble's are gone

If you can live your life following those words, then you won't have much to worry about.

1 comment:

  1. I can agree. I like this song because it gives me a sequel to "No More Drama" feel. It's almost a continuation of "no more drama in my life... and because of that here is my testimony."

    There's no surprise that this is one of the songs that I listen to repeatedly this album because I love hearing lyrics that I can relate to.

    Another one that goes along the same lines (although most of her music walks the same line nowadays) is "Work In Progress" from her Growing Pains album. The line(s):

    Life can be difficult.
    No one promised that it would be...
    Sunshine all the time, easy.
    Some pain is guaranteed.
    But it ain't impossible.
    You can find the joy, you see.
    Took me a while but I did finally.

    Speak to my SOUL every time I hear them.

    When I saw you talking about my Mary I just HAD to throw my 57 cents in cause Mary is one of my favorite (if not all time favorite) female artists.

    Good one Z! :)
