Thursday, December 31, 2009
The End of Another Year's the end of another year; the end of another decade; and time to start anew again. I'm really thankful for the chance to start this process over again (with a few changes here and there), and for the chance to see 2010. I know most people didn't have that chance afforded to them, and if they did, then they may not have been able to ring in the new year in as good as circumstances as I did.
Now this song is played throughout the entire country (maybe world), and I'm sure we've all heard it through and through (even though I'll admit...I don't know all of the words. lol). But there's a special meaning to this song, which is to forgive what happened in the past year, and leave it in the past. Which is true. I believe that some things should be left in the past, and not carried into the new year. A New beginnings.
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And auld lang syne?
I'm not sure about you guys reading this, but I plan to ring in this year claiming it to be one of greatness and prosperity. I'm not gonna lay it out on the table just yet, but ya boy's got some BIG plans in store, and if the Big Guy upstairs says so, then it's gonna be on and poppin this year. I can't wait. It's gonna be a great time a'comin!
Now that I've got that out the way, here's the party anthem that's appropriate for ANY YEAR:
Celebrate Good times people......HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
Friday, December 25, 2009
How Good It Is?

Yeah I know it's been a minute since I last posted, but there's been a good reason for this: #1 being that I'm in my hometown and there's no internet connection at the parental units crib. (yeah I'm thievin...but don't tell nobody! lol) But onto the subject at hand...and that's to discuss the music of the moment.
For some reason, Erykah Badu has been on my mind heavy lately. I'm not sure why, because I've never been the biggest E. fan, but there are some of her songs that I get into. To me, she's always been good for the songs where you can sit down with that special boo, pop open a bottle of your favorite wine, listen to her music, and just enjoy the company that you're in. I'm actually gonna discuss my top 4 today...startin with this song:
Now this has been, and will always be my favorite song. She poured her heart and soul into this song, singin about her jealousy for a past love and his current lady. She's caught up in the game, and she can't leave. I've been there before and it's not a nice sight. But then again, ain't nothin you can do about it but wipe up your feelings and move on to the next one.
Next up:
I think it was one of my Twitter friends who put this song in my head (and if it was then *shakin fist at you*), but in a way, I'm glad they did. I didn't realize how tight this song is...and I had to go back and revisit it. Now that I've done so, this song has bumped itself into the #2 spot of my faves of Erykah. Hailing from her second CD "Mama's Gun", this was one of many bangers from this CD. I think that Erykah's best work was done on her first 2 CDs. Honestly, she lost some of her touch after Mama's Gun. Don't get me wrong, the ones after MG was ok to good, but not on the levels of Baduizm and MG.
Now let's move to my favorite song from Baduizm:
Have you ever had that one person that you was really feelin, but have the strangest idea that you two won't ever make it to that level? This is what E was singin about in this song. Now she's involved in a relationship, but she's really diggin this other dude. So because she can't get with dude, she says that they'll be lifetime. Hopefully it'll work out for them next time when they are butterflies. LOL
And last but not least, This wasn't on any one CD, yet a soundtrack, but it definitely makes it onto my list.
This was around the time that Erykah was messin with Common (and even though she had him all kinds of open....but I But this was a very fun song, and this is a good dance song in the club, or even in the privacy of your own home. All I'ma say is quit frontin like the one you with ain't the one that you lovin on day in and day out. E didn't.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Let it Snow!

Today's post is dedicated to the weather...since here in DC, we're supposed to get at least a foot
This is one of quite a few songs that tend to excite the young lad in me. Honestly, music in general does this, but being as though I'm out on my own now, it's songs like this that remind me of my youth. I believe that Christmas is a time that you spend with your loved ones, and a lot of these songs, I've been hearing since childhood. You'd think that I would get tired of hearing em, but one can never get tired of things that bring joy to your life. (pause...)
With that being said, here are some of my favorites:
N'Sync - O Holy Night: Yeah I know....but these white boys KILT this version!
Donny Hathaway - This Christmas: God rest his soul. Nobody ever since has been able to do an edition of this song like he did.
The Temptations - Silent Night: Christmas just ain't Christmas without them wailing this song out over the radio waves.
Vanessa Williams - What Child is This: I love this version because it's very soulful and chill. But then again, when have you ever really known V. Dubb to be extra krunk.
Whitney Houston - Who Would Imagine a King: This lady has PLENTY o' Christmas hits I coulda said...but this one just stands out as it describes the REAL reason for Christmas.
Nat King Cole - The Christmas Song: This is one of my FAVORITE Christmas songs...everytime this song comes on, I'm goin IN!
Alvin and the Chipmunks - Hula Hoop: If anything is indicative of one's childhood, this would be it.....old school video and all.
Eartha Kitt - Santa Baby: One of the sexiest songs ever sang about Kris Kringle. LOL.
Listening to these songs always put me in a good mood. What are some of your favorites?
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
The NEW Robin Thicke

The title to this post has a double meaning to it. Yes it is about the new Robin Thicke joint that just came out today, but it's also in meaning to a new person. A new Robin Thicke if you will. As you read on, you'll see what I mean by the double meaning.
Sex Therapy is pretty much not what I thought it would be, classic Robin if you will. A bunch of ballads and lounge songs that made RT known for what he is. I know that many people (myself included) thought that it would be like albums from the past: a bunch of kick back and relax, enjoy the breeze in the sunset, ride along in your car on a hot summer day type songs. But Robin had another thought in mind for all of his fans.
This is where the new Robin comes into play. Sure enough, he's done duets with rappers (one of my favorites being Shooter w/ Weezy), but even in those, he's always stayed true to his form....a singer. Never has he tried to take on the role of the person that he's doing the song with. Well I guess this is a new era...a new decade....a new Robin. Cause on the first half of the cd, that's all it is...the hip hop, "rappin" Robin. IMO it's a different look on him, but given some more practice, one that the world could (and would) get used to. Now I will admit, I think he ran into some writers' block on those songs (see Shakin It 4 Daddy, and Meiplè), but they introduce a more upbeat, fun Robin w/ looks from Hov, Nicki Minaj, and the Doggfather himself, Snoop. Even Kid Cudi makes a hot track with Robin in Elevatas.
Now that's not to say that classic Robin doesn't come out...cause on the last half of the cd, that's when true to form, what we're used to Robin shines through. "Jus Right" is a personal favorite from this part of the cd, and even "Mona Lisa" does it for me. Let's not forget the song that put this CD on the map in the first place: Sex Therapy. That song just drips all kinds of sex from the first intro to the end. Honestly, it's a look that Robin should never COMPLETELY stray away from, cause it's what created who he is, and it'll continue to bring him success in life.
But all in all, even though it seems like 2 separate cds from the first half to the second half, I still think it's a pretty good cd in all. I'd give it a B+, simply because he still needs to work at the "new" Robin more before I can give him an A on that type of effort. But as of right now, I like it, and I give it my stamp of approval.
Good job Robin!
Friday, December 11, 2009
We Must be in Love

This post is actually dedicated to one of my B.L.A.C.K. brothers who is gettin married this weekend (congrats M. it big homie!). As he and I had a conversation about the whole marriage deal, it made me think, which songs would define my wedding? Now I know that there are PLENTY o songs out there that could convert as wedding songs, but I believe that wedding music should be specific to the couple that's getting married.
Now I know that I'd have to compromise some things, because my tastes aren't going to always directly line up with my wife's; but there are some songs that are MUSTS in my wedding. Now everything is not going to be all slow dances, and tearjerkers. But these songs are those that I would recommend in ANY wedding (now the reception..thats' a whole different post right there.
In my opinion, music for the wedding should fit the occasion at hand. A serious moment where you and your bride (or groom) to be are about to join as one under the eyes of God. Me personally, I don't think that coming down the aisle to some uptempo beat (insert any of the millions on deck) should be incorporated into your ceremony. You may get a few side eyes from the guests, and definitely the evil eye from the mothers. lol. Not a good way to start off relations with your new in-laws. LOL
But below are some songs that I would love to have in my wedding (if I ever have one...I'm still prayin on that one. lol)
Boyz II Men - I Do: This song is definitely a wedding song. I mean, if you listen to the lyrics, they pretty much give you the vows to say. LOL
Kenny Lattimore - For You: Classic wedding song. If you really love this woman, then this song will show everyone through song.
Jaheim - Forever: A nice ghetto swing to it...but still appropriate for all age limits.
Intro - Ribbon in the Sky: Now I know folx will not feel me on this one, but guess what, I think that Intro's version was better than Stevie's. *shrugs*
Beyoncè & Luther - The Closer I Get to You: Now I tried to get away from Luther, since we all know that the majority of his slow ballads were wedding/baby makers lmao, but hey, we gotta give the man props when props are due.
Brian McKnight - Never Felt This Way: This here...coupled with a beautiful bride, will have not a DRY EYE in the building if played while she's walking down the aisle. Alicia Keys did a wonderful version of this song as well, but only as an interlude.
and even this one:
will work out what you want to say to her, especially if you can't figure out the right words for her. Just listen to Jesse....he can give you some pointers (as long as you don't plaigarize his song).
The way you walk
the way you talk
the way you say my name, your smile
The way you move,
the way you soothe me
the way you sing softly through the night
Every morning you rise
and open your eyes
I just wanna be with you baby
I just wanna be yours
From this day forth.
Boyz II Men,
Brian McKnight,
Jesse Powell,
Luther Vandross,
Pure Soul
Do You Know What Today Is?

It's our Anniversary.....made for you and me
This post is dedicated to those dudes that I like to think created what we now know as the "Neo-Soul movement". From back in the 80's these three guys known as Tony! Toni! Tonè! set out the movement of songs that could make you bump your head, or just feel it in the setting of a dimly lit room with the one you love (or was The song posted above was one of my favorites for a multitude of reasons...1 of em being that the album that it was listed on, was the first CD I had you know it got madd play from me. But the lyrics let you know that he was excited that it was another year (or month or whatever) for them, and he was glad to be able to experience it with her.
The pleasure's all mine, we have seen good times
It's our Anniversary
Victoria won't be no secret at the end of the day
It's our anniversary
A small cup of tea
and YOU can have me
it's our anniversary
Tony! Toni! Toneè! (or as I call them, the 3Ts) had a number of hits spanning over about 10 years or so, and every time they released a new album, it always had a different style to it, but the best part about it, is that all the styles had a unique yet similar look to them. It was like you'd expect the 3Ts to fit into each style...they never tried to be something that they couldn't be.
Although they had a bunch of hits between the 3 of them, here are some of my favorites right here:
Slow Wine: Another banger from the Sons of Soul CD
Little Walter: One of their early hits...talkin about the ultimate horrid roommate situation. And Sinbad as the roommate was hilarious.
Whatever You Want: This is probably my favorite song by them.
It Never Rains in Southern California: Who lied to them?! LOL
Thinking of You: Using that old Al Green sample, but they brought a 90s feel to it.
Ask of You: Yeah I know that this was Raphael by himself, but he was still a member of the group at that time!
Just Me and You: From the Boyz in the Hood Soundtrack...definitely a banger.
Feels Good: Jams from the early 90s.
House Party (I Don't Know What You Come to Do): Don't act like yall ain't wanna be up in the Pajama Jammy Jam watchin that movie! LOL
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
1 and 2 and 3 and 4

Get them sit ups right and
Tuck your tummy tight and
Do your crunches like this...
Today's post is dedicated to those who like the workout plan...both the Jane Fonda and the Kanye style. LOL. I worked out this morning, and as I sit here feeling the effects of said workout already (lol), I thought I'd post somethin a lil light and airy in the wake of all that's goin bad. This is dedicated to those who like to do that "workout plan":
This song was one of my instant favorites from "College Dropout", which wasn't hard to do since CD was my favorite 'Ye album. Now I did one from Late Registration as well (see here), so it was only right that I had to do CD some justice too. This was one of those songs from CD that broke the serious tones that 'Ye produced on other tracks such as "Through the Wire", "All Falls Down", and "Spaceship" (which by the way was another instant favorite as well).
I know we all laughed when listening to this song, especially the testimonies of the breezies who "benefitted" from the workout plan. I know my favorite was Ellie Mae from Mobile, AL, who was able to pull a double wide and ride a plane. *dead* I just love this song because it's light and fun, and brings a good laugh to everyone's demeanor. I mean, we all need that sometime. Now I'm waitin on some breezy to tell me this:
Thanks to Kanye's workout plan
I'm the envy of all my friends
See I pulled me a baller man
And I ain't gotta work at the mall again.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Dirty Diana

Tonight's post is goin out to the one who was one of very few people who EARNED his "King" title. This man seemed to get more fans each and every decade, and probably the ONLY person who got more fans once he passed away. I'm not sure how he did it, but then again, Mike was always the man. This post is about one of my favorite songs by Michael Jackson: Dirty Diana.
This song always gets me krunk whenever I play it. The fact that Mike was so serious about not gettin with this girl who smashed all the celebrity homies made it that much more believing. I mean, the fact that he KNEW she smashed the homies, and still beat it....trips me out. But I'm jus sayin...sometimes it beez like dat. We fall prey, even though we know we ain't sposed to.
But this beat tho....goes HARD. The guitar is the best part about this song. It is matchin the emotion that MJ is puttin into this beat for beat, note for note. But clearly MJ takes it home with these words:
Diana walked up to me
she said "I'm all yours tonite"
and then I ran to the phone
sayin "Baby I'm alright,
But unlock the door,
cus I forgot the key"
She said "he's not comin back
because he's sleepin WIT ME!"
Dirty Diana.....she was a bad broad; nobody could resist her....not even MJ.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
We Major

Who remembers when Kanye was known for his flow rather than his eff ups? For showin his skills lyrically as opposed to showin his ass on stage? For gettin people not to sip the kool-aid instead of him sippin the henn? I know I do. Ever since he dropped "Through the Wire" as his first single from "College Dropout", Kanye always had a fan in D. Mitch. To this day, I still bump that CD like it fell off the truck yesterday. But this post isn't about any song off of that CD, but the one after that "Late Registration".
This was Kanye's sophomore album, and to be honest, this CD went as hard as College Dropout did. There will always be a battle against true hip-hop heads as to which CD was personally, I always say that College Dropout was bangin on Late Registration, but I can see why others would say the converse is true. He had madd hits (and skits) on both albums, and they went tit for tat, track for track. But one thing that me and others alike will all agree on, is that "We Major" is definitely one of the best tracks from the 2nd joint.
Coupled with the imaginative and lyrical genius of Prince Nasir, this easily is one that will be stored in the archives for generations to come to enjoy. This is one of those tracks that one can just put in the ride, let it play, and everyone who's listening can sit back and enjoy. Kanye gets 5 stars for this track, and if you know me, then I don't say that about many songs.
Now...if we could just get THAT Kanye back on the scene, the world would start to ease back toward a happy medium.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Bug a Boos

Have you ever had that one person, that you told to leave you be (no matter why the reason), but they can't seem to get it out of their heads that you don't want to be bothered? I know that Dave Hollister did, and he told the world in his first single dropped as a solo artist "My Favorite Girl"
Dave had just left the group Blackstreet to pursue his own career as a solo artist. He dropped his first CD named "Ghetto Hymns", and he definitely established himself with this track.
The girl he's singin about can't get him off her mind. The problem is that he's moved on, and that he's not tryin to deal with her anymore. The even bigger problem is that she's not letting him go anywhere, even when he is tryin his damnest to get away. She shows her serious stalker side in these words:
"Leave me alone....
callin me and hangin up cus wife is home
How'd you get my number in the first place?
The shit ain't even listed under my name!"
I seriously believe Dave was singin about someone that was stalkin him for real in this song. And if he ain't...then someone who is currently goin through is feelin him. But then again, that entire CD was full of real life situations and themes that those from the hood (and otherwise) could deal with. Even when you tell her this, if she don't get it through her head then you might have "a thin line between love and hate" on your
You callin me and ya tellin
cause you wantin me
and you needin me
cause you lonely
and you can't see
how I can be
with another B-I-T-C-H
and that she could never be
my wifey
Why can't you see
it wasn't meant for
you and me to be?
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Thankful Thoughts

One thing that most people, myself included, are thankful for, is the fact that you have someone that loves you. Whether it be family or friends, it's always a great feeling to know that someone will have your back unconditionally. And when you have both, there's nothing better.
But there is one thing that can enhance that feeling sevenfold (and yes, I said seven..don't judge That's the love of a significant other. One who can bring out feelings in you that you would otherwise have bottled up in a deep dark corner of your soul, never to be released...and to know that they have those same feelings for you, only puts you higher in the realm of happy.
This is what Lalah Hathaway was singin about in her remake of Luther Vandross's hit "Forever, For Always, For Love". She's reminiscing about a past love, and this man made her feel like the top of the world was her stomping grounds. Unfortunately, they broke up, and she wishes that she could do it all again...but this time, righting what illed their first time. I know that we've all had those moments where we longed for the days of exes gone past. She definitely put all of her father's intensity into her version, making me believe that she was feelin what her father felt when he performed it.
The question of the moment is this: would it work this time around? I think that it could...especially if you take what went wrong in the first go around, and work on that, while keeping the good things intact. Once you get that equation up and running safely, there's no way why you and the S.O. shouldn't be in love
For Always
For Love"
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
The Hidden Gem

Understand I can never be your man
Though I can understand that you ready for a family
On the other hand, I love to see your ass
But you contaminated so you need to find a plan B many people know, I wasn't the biggest fan of Wale's last CD: Attention Deficit (which will be another post in itself), but I will admit, that it had some bangers on it. Unfortunately, my favorite song on the cd, was the one that never made it TO the CD. That's right, this cut that's being featured today is Beast, the track that was in the running toward becoming a track on Attention Deficit, but for whatever reason, Wale decided to cut it from the CD.
Beast was produced by 9th Wonder, and I'm not sure what it was that caused him not to include this one, but I swear, this was one of the best tracks produced for that album. The beat had you flowin before you realized it, and Wale was droppin that real truth with the lyrics. Not to say that he didn't do that with other tracks that actually made the cut, but I'm jus sayin...there was always somethin that kept me from feelin those like I'm feelin this one (with the exception of maybe 2-3).
All in all, I feel like this cut woulda brought the grade of A.D. up. This is one of those cuts that you can put in the ride, let the windows down, and just let it bump while you roll down the street. Being where I am right now, I'm sure everyone would be bumpin it right along with it. Wale brought it with this cut. I honestly believe that he redeemed himself...although he shot himself back in the foot for not including this on the CD.
I say check this out, and Wale, if you readin this, don't be leavin off the dope tracks from the next CD!
Monday, November 23, 2009
Spiritual Uplift

For the many times I've fallen,
yet YOU forgave me...
thank you...Lord I thank you
For unmerited favor,
and your brand new mercies
thank I thank you
In the spirit of Thanksgiving, you always have to have a reason to be thankful for. Whether it be because you're alive; it could be for you having a family to go to; or just not succumbing to whatever was ailing you at that point in your life. I believe that the song above will cover all of that. Right now, no matter what you're going through in your life, there is always a spiritual song, that will help to uplift you.
Now those of you reading this blog, know that I'm a man of religion. And with that being said, I realized that I haven't made a religious post yet, and I wanted to fix that error. Especially since these songs that I'm about to list really get me through some hard times.
Now here is where I'm about to get personal for a second. This hasn't been a good year for me or my family, and some of you know this, but thanks to these songs, my faith hasn't fallen completely by the wayside. I know that nobody's life will be perfect, and that's including mine, but even with knowing that, I felt like Satan was really tryin to beat me down. But hey, with music like this, it's hard NOT to believe that one day, you will see the rainbow past the rain.
Marvin Sapp: Perfect Peace - When it all just seems to come at you...
Kirk Franklin: Brokenhearted - For when you're feeling down.
Donald Lawrence: Encourage Yourself - A reason why you shouldn't give up...and the best encouragement should come from yourself.
Kurt Carr: God Blocked It - If it seems like nobody cares, there's always ONE.
Greg O'Quin: I Told the Storm - Claim it moved in the Name.
Smokie Norful: Still Say Thank You - In spite of it all, you still have a reason
Dewayne Woods: Let Go, Let God - You can't do it me, I've tried that route.
Byron Cage: Broken but Healed - You may be down, but you're not out.
Shekinah Glory Ministry: Yes - The only answer when God asks you a question.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
This is it WHAT?

This came up on my iPod while listening to my chill playlist, and I HAD to blog about this one. I know all of my old head hip hop lovers would appreciate this one. Especially if you listened to music during the early to mid 90s.
This is the epitomy of chill music. You can just pop this in the ride, let the windows down on a nice sunny day, and just bounce your head as you riding down the street. The youngens of today wouldn't know nothin about this one...cause this is CLASSIC hip hop right here. Very few groups of today's times could eff with this one...
Even today, this song can be played around the right group and folks still get hype like it came out last night. I know I will. Why: cause this gave us hopes of gettin rich and ballin out the club like this right here:
I play the deef (What?!)
Sensations at the Monte Barbie screamin (Cheeba!)
For fillin pleasures at my castles (Blow the smoke out!)
The boss of Vegas substitutes when the Dutch is gone
No matter what people say and what artists put out, it's music like this that will never grow old. I know this will always get special rotation no matter how old I get....why, cause this is REAL hip-hop.
This is it (What?!)
Luchini pourin' from the sky
Lets get rich (What?!)
I've Got a Real Thing...

Here by my side....someone who needs me..holdin me tight.
Very powerful words by the (then) unknown singer who would capture our hearts with her very first single from an album that wasn't even hers. To this day, not many can say truthfully that she didn't make her mark with this song. Not to mention, it didn't hurt that this track was done by the great Quincy Jones. I mean, seriously, there aren't many tracks that one can say that Q did that wasn't bangers.
"You Put a Move on My Heart" (from the Q's Jook Joint compilation) is one of those songs that you play when you're in the deepest of love with someone (or a strong like If ya wanna tell someone how you feel, just drop this track on em. I bet you'll get ya point across.
"And these special feelings
won't ever fade
Cause I knew from the start....
YOU put a move on my.....heart"
Friday, November 13, 2009
Bad Habits

I think Maxwell spoke a for real truth in this song.
He speaks about someone that he knows is real wrong for him, especially because he's in a relationship at the time. From the beginning of the song, he recognizes that he's dead wrong for gettin the key from ole chick and then using it. But hey, we've all had those types of moments.
This is definitely one of those songs, that I'd recommend gettin play on a rainy night when you tryna get it in. Even if you just wanna play the entire CD (which by the way I do recommend for a good listen....the boy ain't lost his touch!), he sets off the mood right by startin the CD with this song. Very soulful, not too slutty (unless you watchin the video..then that's a Skinemax show lol), and with the right person, you gone get some draws dropped.
I know we done all been there before, hell, I been there recently, but you know what, sometimes, you just can't help yaself. I think Maxwell put it best when he said:
You're my bad habit baby you're my
You're taking my soul down to the letter O
Can't escape the way you got me locked out baby
I gotta break from you, break from you, break from you.
It was that serious....he had to get away 3 times. Don't tell me you ain't been there before.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Battle of the Vocals

Now this is gonna be something different. For many years now, the battle has been who did it better. The song is: "Knocks Me Off My Feet". The three contestants:
Stevie Wonder:
Donell Jones:
and last but not least
Luther Vandross:
Me personally...I always said that Donell did it better. True enough, there were VERY few songs from the Great Blind One himself that people could cover, and cover well, but I kid you not, Donell not only did this song justice, but dammit, he put all kinds of his own into it. I know people are gonna try to tar and feather me, and burn me in the town square for this one, but hey, it's my thoughts, and you can voice your own. LOL
So holla if ya hear me....who you think did it better?
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Straight Sympin

I know that whenever you think of hip-hop music, you don't think about those types of songs where you see folks "sprung", nose "wide open", and the such. I really don't think that I ever thought I'd hear about some dude who decided that this girl was the one who could have him trippin over his own two feet, and much less write about it. But you know what though, it's music like this that is the jam at times when you feelin like this, but you don't wanna admit it to your boys. Songs like this one:
LL wrote the original sympin song. I mean, seriously she musta had that "good good" because one minute he talkin bout he bad and such, then this nigga talkin
When I'm alone in my room
Sometimes I stare at the wall,
and in the back of my mind
I hear my conscious call
tellin me I need a girl
who's as sweet as a dove
for the first time in my life
I see I need love does THAT work? Did she put it on this nigga somethin proper like? LOL. I know yall ladies know how to work it and put it down in the bedroom (well some of, but dayum, it must be serious for him to put it out there like that.
Now T.I. took it to another level with Freak Though. Not only did he put it out there that he wanted to be with this girl, but apparently, she's the neighborhood hoe, and he tryin turn a hoe into a housewife (although he say he don't...but he lyin tho. lol)
Seriously though, this nigga done lost his mind. I mean really, all your boys and your fam done ran through her and you still tryin to make her wifey? Yeah...uh...not quite. But hey, you like it, I'll tolerate it. I just hope that I don't fall into THAT gap. lol
Then if that ain't bad enough, after he done wifed up the girl, you then tell her that she can buy the bank out and "have whatever she like".
Like for real doe...I'm outta suggestions at this point. Some good friends and I had this phrase called "Tampabayin", where she could do anything she wanted to and get away with it. It sounds like T.I. is a member of this club, cause he believe "it ain't trickin if you got it." I call shenanigans on that line. LOL
Last but not least, we gots this one here:
Now she really know he sprung...cause he done told her she the best he EVER had. I mean seriously, even if she is, do you tell her that? Does that mean that you whipped from head to toe? That she can use you for her personal carpet? LOL. I know the women reading this are gonna have issues with that, but honestly, I think so. There are ways to show her that you feelin her without losing your manhood.
I hope that these negroes get it together for the men...we lookin real simp-lified right now. LOL
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
The Last Time

I know it's been a minute since I last posted, but you know the musical mind never stops spinnin, so it's gonna be quite a few posts coming through the pipes. So be ready kids.
Today's post is inspired by a trending topic on Twitter: best feeling. Actually it's both best and worst, but I like to not think about the worst feeling, cause Lord knows I've been through a few of those lately, so I'm writing about the best feeling. As I was participating in the trending topic, this song popped into my mind, simply because the majority of my tweets were about romantic things involving someone of the opposite sex (who shall remain nameless, but I'm sure is reading this too).
How many folks have ever hoped that the person that you're currently dating would be "it"? The last one. The last time for just about everything involved in dating. I think that Eric Benet hit the nail on the head on this one.
"Now don't hold back, just let me know
Could I be moving much too fast, or way too slow.
Cause all of my life, I've waited for this day,
To find that once in a lifetime,
this is it, I'll never be the same.
You'll never know, what it's taken me to say these words,
and now that I've said them, they could never be enough.
As far as I can see, there's only you, and only me.
This is the LAST TIME, I'll fall in love"
These are some really deep words right here, and said to the right person, I'm sure they would make all the world in your relationship. I dunno that I can say that right now, but I know that when I do, it's a wrap for the kid. I just hope that will be sooner than later. There are quite a few songs that could describe these feelings just the same, but to be honest, I'm sure we're all looking for "The Last Time".
Friday, October 30, 2009
Take It Off

As I muddled through the many various topics I could write about, I thought about something. I figured, how many of you women out here reading this post have thought about songs that you could "perform" to? Don't front, don't act like you've never thought about dancing for your boo, in the privacy of your (or his, or the hotel) room. It's cool...I ain't mad about it. I enjoy a good private dance too...9 times outta 10, it's gonna lead to somethin that will benefit you in the end.
Now coming up with this list was pretty easy actually. The first song that popped into my head was the below: I mean, seriously, listening to this song, you already got instructions. LOL
Pimp C just tells you off bat:
"Take it off bitch, bend over lemme see
if you lookin for a trill type nigga lemme be it."
And if you do that right, you bound to get yours in before you know it. But don't just get up there and think that because you got this song on, and somethin real scandalous, that we gone up and start bangin. (Well, we will, but you Make sure you, "work somethin, twerk somethin".
And for the fellas, don't get psychotic and start humpin as soon as she start dancin. Let her make her way over to ya. It'll be worth the wait. If you lookin for some other suggestions to get her outta her shell and onto a make shift pole in the crib, look down below (not in ya pants, but at the
50 Cent - Ayo Technology: Here's a bangin visual for you ladies if you want some pointers on how to work a pole. LOL
Jeremih - Birthday Sex: A great way to show the man you love, just how MUCH you love him on his birthday.
The Dream - Lemme See The Booty: Here is for you lap dancing gurls. I know you know what I'm talkin about. Or maybe you wanna do more than dance in that lap.
Crime Mob - Rock Yo Hips: If you one of those ladies that like to gyrate outta control, here is the theme song for you. Maybe this should be your starter song to get ya clothes off.
Ludacris - Splash Waterfalls I suggest this be your ending song right before you relax and let it gooooooooooo! SAY IT!
Lil Wayne feat Bobby V. - Mrs. Officer: Take notes ladies....ideas for after you go in for the kill.
I know this is different from the norm, but I am an equal opportunist, and the strippers should get their just do. We can't leave them out, cause they have provided us men with quality hours spent in shake junts, bachelor parties, and the like. Don't be afraid to show your man how you can work it behind closed doors....after all, we love a lady in the streets and a freak in the sheets. YUUU-WEH!!!!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
R.I.P. Baby Girl

This was one of the many Aaliyah songs that I loved, simply because even though Aaliyah wasn't the greatest artist vocally, but she brought her own Detroit style to the table. (not to mention, she looks DAYUM good in a 2 split skirt). Even though her beginnings started off with that scandalous pedophilic musical mastermind R'rah Kelly, she eventually bloomed into her own, and realized that the girly look was gonna take her farther in the business than the "thug misses" look ever would. (and I agree...leave that to Da
Aaliyah's life was taken way before her time shoulda been gone, but honestly I guess that's not really my decision to make. She gave us 3 good to great albums before her untimely passing, but if given the chance, I bet that she had a lot more to offer the world. Aaliyah paved the way for such folks like Ciara and Teyana Taylor...but I betcha that if she was still alive, that she woulda been blowin them to pieces. Some of my favorites by the Baby Girl herself are listed below (and low key, I still bump some of them to this day. lol)
Back and Forth- The first single from her first CD "Age Ain't Nothin But a Number". This was the song that introduced us to the female protege of R'rah.
Street Thing- This wasn't a mainstream hit, but it was a banger. Loved the feeling she put into it.
Age Ain't Nothin But a Number- The title track from her 1st cd that let folks know that even though she may be young, she still know how to get down.
One in a Million- A re-used title with a bangin beat and different words. The title track from her second CD: this was the beginning of a Timbo era.
If Your Girl Only Knew- The first single released from the second CD. Probably was the theme song for all those fly girls back in the day. LOL
We Need a Resolution- First track from her self-titled and last CD. She really came wit it. Gotta love the Timbo beat.
I Care 4 U- Love the sincerity in this video. She vows to make things all better after a broken relationship. Fellas, how many of us are lookin for someone like that?
I Don't Wanna Be- From the Romeo Must Die Soundtrack....acting was pretty bad, but the song knocks tho!
There were plenty of others that could and should be mentioned here, but if I listed all of the songs that banged throughout her career, we'd be here all day. I know that you guys got more to list, but these are the ones that stood out to me. The world is missing an angel, but she's in Heaven right now performing for those people up there now.

Who Does It Better? (pt 2)

This was a bit harder to choose, because during the 90s, there was more of an influx of guy groups as opposed to girl groups. I'm not sure if it was in the water or somethin, but it seems that folks decided that they wanted to up and form a singing group. There were plenty of groups to choose from, but the ones that I'm choosing were some of my favorites from back in the day, aaaannnnnnnnnd, this is my blog, so chew on that! lol. But as always, feel free to comment on some of your own.
First up at bat: we're gonna start off with that 4 guy group from Philly: Boyz II Men. These guys were pretty much a spinoff of Bell Biv Devoe (who in turn was a spinoff of New They had a fresh sound to them different from many of the groups that came out in the early 90s, and being that they were part of the "East Coast Family" (which comprised of them, Another Bad Creation, and, I'm not sure how that, they had a hit. Their first hit was probably their best known fast song Motownphilly:
After that, it was all slow songs for them. They romanced you with On Bended Knee and I'll Make Love to You, but showed you they had a bad side with Uhh Ahh. I'm sure that still gets play with the older heads...especially the
Next we're gonna move from Philly to Baltimore: home of the Ravens, the Wire, and Dru Hill. They crept up slowly on the R&B tip, but when people got wind of their self-titled first CD, it was/still a banger to this day. A few of their bangers were In My Bed, April Showers, All Alone, and These Are the Times....but nothing, and I mean NOTHING that they put out can ever top this one:
I remember this one being played at parties, at the crib, in the car driving down the never found ONE person who said they didn't like this song!
Now we gotta take it to K-Ci, JoJo, DeVante, and Mr. Dalvin...otherwise known as Jodeci. Not only did they bring out some bangin hits, but they also started trends as well (how many folks remember the Jodeci boots...I never had any, but I know PLENTY o folks that did, lol). Either way, I could go on and on about their music, because they always produced a quality CD. From their very first CD entitled "Forever My Lady", they always gave you nice and mushy, with a side of nasty. One of my favorites from them was this song right here:
They were talkin about she was the "natural high" and that they didn't wanna let go of her. I think that may have been where Raheem got his idea for "Love Drug". *Kanye shrug*. Some other bangers that Jodeci put out there was Forever My Lady, Come and Talk to Me, I'm Still Waiting, and Love U 4 Life.
And to wrap it up, since part 1 ended with the Bad Girls of the Bad Boys Family, it's only fitting that I end this post with their counterparts: 112. 112 definitely came out the box rockin with their self-titled CD producing such hits like Cupid and Only You. But they had those that slipped through the cracks like Pleasure and Pain, and Now That We're Done. Their next LP, Room 112, showed us that they had grown up a little bit with Anywhere
and Love You Like I Did. But in all honesty, Part III was probably their best one (with the 1st one in a CLOSE second), because I felt that you could listen to this one from beginning to end. With that smooth kick from Q, Mike, Slim, Daron, then onto Player, and ending it with Sweet Love...they def brought it!
So now we have it, we have the Girls vs. the Guys....who you think did it better?
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
WTF? You Mean that's ALL?!

Now I know we all have songs that we bump from different cds that as soon as you start to get all the way into it, it cuts off. This isht irritates the snot outta me because I know I feel like they shoulda put a little more time into the track and made it more than just 2 mins or a minute and a half. It irritates me the most when I'm sangin along to the track, and just as you all into it, the joint is DUN!
But you know what though, I'm thinkin that it took them quite some time to put that together, and to make greatness out of the short amount of time the song is playing, so for that, I can't knock their hustle. But dammit, I need some more time outta these joints besides the 4 seconds that they give you in between the intro music and it fading to the next song. Sometimes, they just do it for a little humor in the cd. I enjoy those too...
I'm sure yall can feel me on this one right? But I guess the interlude will never fade away because most times it can be a great album filler. Here are some great interludes from over the years:
112 - Q, Mike Slim, Daron: from their Part III CD. One of the best in the game. OneTweezy did it with this one.
Dr. Dre - $20 Sack Pyramid This was one of the most ignant interludes to date, but it STILL is off the chains!
Alicia Keys - Never Felt This Way A great rendition of the original by Brian McKnight, but I'm not sure as to why she cut the song in half. lol
TLC - Sexy Interlude This one had me crackin up the first time I heard it. Maybe it was cus I was 13 at the time. LOL
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
What We Gone Do is take you back, way back, back into Time!

This is and always will be one of the greats that they were known for from that cd. "Don't Leave" was hot, because not only did it have a sick beat to it, but the way that Chauncey and em was sangin that track, you'da thought that the girl was leaving the sound booth never to return again. This was definitely one of those songs that you could have on repeat, because you knew that if you was feelin it, then you wanted to hear it again.
Blackstreet definitely blessed our ears with some great hits...spanning over 4 different CDs. At times, they were thought to be a modern day Guy (due to Teddy Riley being the brainiac behind the entire operation). Their first cd was a banger to me, but in all actuality, I was stuck on Another Level. It was one of those that got madd rotation in the car, on the cd player on the way to school, at the crib; anywhere. Matter fact, it still gets rotation to this day. The list below are a few of my favorites from this group from all 4 cds and a hawt remix as well.
No Diggety: A collabo between Teddy Riley and Dr. Dre. Can't go wrong with that combination. Not to mention, Queen Pen was at the height of her 15 mins of fame at that point too.
My Paradise: One of the best interludes ever IMO. I think this shoulda been a full song. Hmmm..thoughts for another post.
Before I Let You Go: One of the bangers of the first CD. Real romantic and stuff. Definitely good for a "get int the mood" cd.
Deep: Here is their real nasty side. They brought it real hard core with this one.
I Get So Lonely (remix): Even though this was a Janet song, they still brought another flavor to it.
Booti Call: Taken from the old school music, but with an up to date 90's new jack swing. I'm sure all folks was bumpin this.
I think that Blackstreet was one of those groups from the 90s that made their impact on R&B as a whole...but you know they had great beginnings given that Teddy Riley had already made his step into the music world with Guy. So it was almost a given that they were gonna have some sort of success.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Holler If Ya Hear Me!

No More Pain, from the All Eyez on Me release, was one of those tracks that had the lyrics to keep you intrigued in it, but also had a sick beat with it...from the creative brain of Mr. Devonte Swing (from Jodeci). Wasn't too fast, but still gave you the chance to nod your head while bumpin in the whip. He had just joined wit Dr. Dre at Death Row, and now he was a member of the "West Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide!"

What's all you niggaz das jealous
Pull your gun out and blast
I tell them niggas to open fire
I murder dat ass and disappear before the cops come runnin
My glock spittin rounds niggas fallin down clutchin their stomachs
It's WEST SIDE Death Row
Thug niggaz on the rise
Bustas shot me 5 times
REAL niggas don't die
If you think about it...he just gave a shout out (sort of) to Biggie and his crew and the beef that's goin on at the time between Biggie and Pac. I think besides the gang wars, that was the biggest most publicized beef ever. But eh...
Brenda's Got a Baby: I know we all remember this track. Made the country aware of teen pregnancy.
Outlaw: Not a highly publicized song, but it still got madd play in the whip when Me Against the World came out.
Dear Mama: How many of you had this as the ringtone for your Moms on your cell phone at some point? lol
Hail Mary: From the last bangin Pac CD Makaveli...after that, it all went downhill
I Get Around: The first "playeristic" song...back when Pac was still kickin it with the Digital Underground. LOL
Hit Em Up: This was Pac's rebuttal to Biggie's attack at him. He came real raw and uncut with it. Personally, I think Pac took it with this one.
I know I left a lot of good Pac songs off the list, but feel free to add your faves to the list.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Empowering Friday

Today, after reading about President Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize, I decided that I would dedicate today's post to him. Well not necessarily directly at him, but musically, I would dedicate it to him via musical tracks that taught us to build ourselves up, and not tear each other down. This type of thinking brings more positive thought and hope to the world, which is the focal point of President Obama's foreign policy.
I wanna take it back old school and introduce this post off with prolly the most "infamous" song sang: "We Are the World".
I remember as a young kid, watching this video and seeing all the great superstars of the day from Luther Vandross, to Diana Ross, Daryl Hall (from Hall and Oates), and Lionel Richie. It was written by the late Michael Jackson (R.I.P.) and this song was dedicated to all of the starving children of South Africa. Even in today's times, this song could still apply to some country that is suffering from malnourishment.
"You Will Know" by Black Men United, or BMU for short, was the men's empowerment song. We needed this song as death to the Black Man was growing rampant, and the issue needed to be addressed. Who better to do it than a collaboration of greats being lead by the great Quincy Jones? If anyone can put together a song to catch the eye of the nation, it would be someone who's worked with such greats as Luther Vandross, Mariah Carey, Babyface, Tamia etc.
Now the women's version HAS to be "I'm Every Woman". Chaka Khan let women know that they were to be respected because "it's all in her". I think that women still silently bump this song for some uplifting words....fellas we better watch out. They ain't playin!
All my old school hip hop heads will remember my next one. Self-Destruction had to be one of the most remembered joints from the 80s dealing with violence and the downfall of the African American race.
KRS-1 and others decided that it was time to speak up about this after a young kid was killed at a concert due to senseless violence. "Self Destruction...we headed for self-destruction". They were right...people shoulda listened back then.
"We're All in the Same Gang" addressed the same issue, except centralized it due to gang violence. Big names like Dr. Dre, Michel'le, Hammer, Above the Law and others wanted to get the folks together on the West part of hte country and form the West Coast All-Stars to try to reach out to those participating in gang activity to try to get them to come together instead of takin each other out. Didn't necessarily work too well in their favor, but the song was still bangin! LOL
The last one is dedicated to our newly honored President: Mariah Carey's "Hero". Even if you listen to the words in the song, they describe exactly what he's goin through tryin to bring this country out of a recession while re-establish the United States' position in the world.
"It's a long road
When you face the world alone
No one reaches out a hand
For you to hold
You can find love
If you search within yourself
And the emptiness you felt
Will disappear
And then a hero comes along
With the strength to carry on
And you cast your fears aside
And you know you can survive
So when you feel like hope is gone
Look inside you and be strong
And you'll finally see the truth
That a hero lies in you"
Once again, congrats again to President Obama! You've travelled a long dark road alone, and now the fruits of your labor are starting to be noticed!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Trendy Songs You Hate to Love

Let's start off with the latest trendsetter: the infamous "LOL/:-)" by Trey Songz.
I'm not sure how Trey got this one off the ground, but coupled with the popularity of Twitter, now it became a household staple. I mean...seriously? WTH? "Shawty sent a twit pic, sayin come and get this. LOL :) LOL :)" I think Trey had to be smokin some serious sticky to come up with this one. The teeny boppers went in for it the moment that it came out. Me on the other hand...not so much. Only after hearing it EVERYWHERE in DC did I become one of the zombie heads of this song. I still feel like I lose more and more brain cells everytime I listen to this song though. LOL
Next on the list: "Stanky Leg" by the GS Boyz
Now I must admit, this was a catchy dance, and normally those dances that look the silliest are the ones that are the most popular. Not really sure why, maybe our people like lookin stupid....but if that's the case, then we may as well put on blackface and sooper white lips and dance around for Massa. The strange thing about this is that this isn't a hard dance to learn. Put your leg out (doesn't matter which one), and just shake it like you're having a seizure, and that's it. WTF? What ever happened to those dances that required that you have some sort of rhythm? I guess we've fallen into the realm of the Rhythmless Nation (remember that from In Living Color? lol)
Now let's move on to the next annoying ass catchy song: "You're a Jerk" by the New Boyz:
Who gets a kick off someone callin them a jerk? I know I don't...but then again, I guess I grew up in a time where we had some sense. But the song itself is kinda hot tho. Funny thing is this, when I was working with some teens from my church, I found myself doin the jerk with them. They were kinda shocked cause they ain't think that Mr. D had it in em. Had to show em how "old school" do it. LOL. Either way, the lyrics to this song are the worst dot com, but it's the beat that catches you and reels you in for the score.
Last but definitely not least, we got the trendiest song of em all; the one that was so popular that spinoffs popped up left and right, and it still outlasted ALL of the spinoffs: "Crank That Superman" by Soulja Boy Tell Em.
Soulja Boy - Crank That
This song became like the unofficial anthem of the hip hop nation. The dance became a must play at all parties, clubs, bar mitzvahs and the like. If you didn't know how to "Crank That", then you were considered a lame, and nobody wanted to hang with you. I dunno how Soulja Boy did it, but because of this song, we were learned to Crank that Spiderman (which by the way I saw used in a stepshow by my chapter brothers, and it was hot the way they used it), the Lion King, the Lawn Mower, the Old Man, and countless others with no point to them. lol. For that alone, I think that Soulja Boy earned the "Pointless song of the Decade" award from me.
Upon first hearing, these songs irritated the shit outta me, but once you hear them over and over again, you can't help but be mindlessly tappin your foot and hummin the beat to yourself while going about your day. Not to mention, it doesn't help that at every turn, I have to deal with some teenage crony blastin it on their iPod, or wailing it out while walkin down the street. I wish that it wasn't like this, but unfortunately, music will get worse before it gets better.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Who Does It Better? (pt 1)

Starting out the gate is TLC. I know we all remember their inaugural CD "Ooooh...on the TLC Tip!" with hits such as "Ain't Too Proud to Beg",
and then they came back hard with "What About Your Friends". Then they showed that they could slow down the joint and get romantic with "Baby, Baby, Baby," But on the real, I think they will always be known for their second CD "CrazySexyCool". They matured between their first CD and this one, proving that they could go from child-like innocence to mature and sexy. Their first hit from this CD "Creep" is still a banger (and in all honesty, the entire CD is)...and I'm sure everyone remembers the dance from the video (I know I But the two songs that go the hardest on that CD were "Red Light Special" and "Sumthin' Wicked This Way Comes". The reason I say this is because while they show that sexy side of their trio, but they keep it real with the issues plaguing society. It's a shame that they had to lose a member of their family to a car accident. (RIP LeftEye).
Next we'll go to SWV. This group is always, and will always been known for the song that probably saw many a sexual playlist - "Weak". I think probably every household in America had at least ONE tape that had that song on They showed they could give you upbeat tempo with "I'm So Into You" that would have you tappin ya foot, but then slow it down real nasty like with "Downtown". I'm sure every dude within pubetic ages was tryin to find out if that was the way to love. LMAO! I really love how they took their own song, and remade it into a faster song, and both of em are still bangin. We know how remixes tend to do. (another post for another day). Next up was "New Beginning". Now don't shoot me (and this is my joint!), but this CD wasn't as great as I expected it to be. I mean they had some bangers such as "Fine Time", "Use Your Heart", and "When This Feeling", but all in all, it was just eh. But they redeemed themselves with their final LP "Release Some Tension". They decided to bring it all out workin with such greats as Diddy and Missy. I think that they brought it all to the table to end their illustrious career with, such as "Can We"
I can't forget about Xscape now. Even though they didn't have the popularity of the two aforementioned groups, but they put out quality CDs. There was never a CD that was bad. First started with "Hummin' Comin' at 'Cha", this CD introduced the group with the hit "Just Kickin It".
Inspired folks to kick off ya shoes and relax ya on down to the Xscape beat. I know I did. "Tonight" was slow it down and lets get into the groove song. Another great one for a lets get the mood started list. Their second one "Off the Hook" wasn't as great...but still a good one. Then comes the mature "Traces of My Lipstick". This was a CD full of ballads as opposed to the upbeat style that we were used to. In my opinion, this was a good transition for them, but then again, with the writings of the great Kandi Burress, I can see why it worked for them. My condolences for the loss she has suffered in the past couple of days.
And to round off the girl groups....of course I can't forget my Bad Girls: Total. I know my music heads woulda cut my head off for forgettin them. Nobody can ever forget when they came out with their first self-titled CD featuring the hit "No One Else". But my joint always was, and always is "Kissing You"
Their next album "Kima, Keisha, & Pam" let the whole world know that they were the Bad Girls of the Bad Boy Family, and they were not to be effed with. They came hard from beginning to end, and real talk, that CD still could get rotation in the whip. I recommend this to everyone to peep out, just for a reminder of what they brought to the table.
There are plenty more girl groups that I didn't mention in this blog, and feel free to mention them when commenting...but these are just a few that I really got into when I was growin up. Lemme know whatcha think!
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