Thursday, November 12, 2009

Battle of the Vocals

Now this is gonna be something different. For many years now, the battle has been who did it better. The song is: "Knocks Me Off My Feet". The three contestants:

Stevie Wonder:

Donell Jones:

and last but not least

Luther Vandross:

Me personally...I always said that Donell did it better. True enough, there were VERY few songs from the Great Blind One himself that people could cover, and cover well, but I kid you not, Donell not only did this song justice, but dammit, he put all kinds of his own into it. I know people are gonna try to tar and feather me, and burn me in the town square for this one, but hey, it's my thoughts, and you can voice your own. LOL

So holla if ya hear me....who you think did it better?


  1. I'd have to agree with you on the Donnell Jones one. As a matter of fact Luther sounder horrid and Stevis version sounded kinda... ionno.

  2. There are people that have done better than the original artist I'm sorry (please see Jodeci's Lately Dwele's Open Your Eyes). As far as Knocks Me Off My Feet, Donnell KILTED it and is one of the most underrated men in the R&B to date. He has NEVER compromised the ART and needs to be recognized.

  3. Did I even know that Luther re-did it?

    Donnell hands down. The original will always be a classic to me, but D really made it fresh and new. The video was even kinda cute to me.

  4. I will put Stevie in a special class..

    but I thought Donell's version was GREAT!!.. Tevin Campbell did a good rendition of it too

  5. I concur with the majority-Donell's version is my fave.
