Sunday, February 14, 2010

My Funny Valentine

Sweet comic valentine
You make me smile
With my heart

Yeah I know I said I wasn't goin to post on Valentine's Day, but I had some extra time to kill, and I figured I'd bless those in love (and even those not in love) with a love song. Now I figure, since I posted the upbeat love song on Friday, that I would post one of my favorite songs to listen to....not just on Valentine's Day, but any day where you can say that you have a "Valentine".

This is the perfect song to define love...she (well not really she, because this is a remake) but the writer of the song acknowledges that "your looks are laughable, unphotographable..." but yet and still "you're my favorite work of art".

Not gonna get into this whole spill about that's what love should be about...cause different people have different meanings. So I'll just say this, to ME, that's what love should be about. Knowing that nobody will be perfect, but if they are perfect to YOU, then you've achieved what very few have been able to do.

To all of my readers out there, I'll leave you with this simple phrase to kids from 1-92:

"But don't you change one hair for me,
Not if you care for me,
Stay little valentine stay.
Each day is Valentine's Day

Love to all my readers and Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. Interesting Song Choice, as well as singer. This was some of my fav songs on the Waiting to Exhale Soundtrack. That is what love should be. "I don't care how others feel about you, becuz I love you."

    Good Post

  2. I love this song! its my favorite from the Waiting to Exhale soundtrack...

  3. love the song and this version.. but I love most versions of the song.. especially Anita Baker's version.

  4. I love this song - Not so much this version, though... :/

    This has always been one of my favorite jazz standards, purely because it tells of a love that's just... RIGHT. It fits. That's very rare, because some people can't be just content IN Love.

    This line always makes me laugh, cuz she plays his WHOLE life... lol:

    "Is your mouth a little weak
    When you open it to speak
    Are you smart?"

    **For the record, this song was first performed in the musical "Babes In Arms", and was sung by the female lead.**

  5. This is my favorite version of the remake...and one of my favorite songs from the Waiting to Exhale soundtrack.

    Favorite line of the song - "Each day is Valentine's Day"...because it's simply the truth.

  6. I really enjoy the vocal version of this song, but there is truly something special about hearing the instrumental...hence, I provide a link to Jazz Great Miles Davis (I have any and every CD he has performed on).
