Friday, February 12, 2010

Cupid Reigns Supreme!

First off...I'm pretty sure that I won't be anywhere near my blogger (heck I don't plan to be at home...but eh we'll see on that one), so this is going to be my dedication to the holiday of "love" (and these days, baby Now I'm sure that everyone will be posting love songs, slow and romantic and sappy, but I decided to take an upbeat direction in my post to those who have reason to celebrate this holiday. Me personally, yall know I'm all for those types of songs, but this is the one song that always pops in my head when I think about Valentine's Day #dontjudgeme:

Well we've all heard of the infamous Punxsutawney Phil, the ninja groundhog that cursed us to 6 more weeks of winter (and Mother Nature complied with NO hesistation), Jolly Ole St. Nick, the Easter Bunny, and all those other things made up to keep holidays pure for the child's mind. Well this one isn't or rather shouldn't be for the children...because I dunno how I feel about Cupid Valentino goin around shootin the kids with arrows. I mean I'm all for love, but how much do you know about love at age 6?!

In this song, Cupid is the hero of this here love song. And he's lurking around trying to find out his next "victim" of his love arrow. The problem is that nobody wants to believe in Cupid like they do the others.

Ya' won't believe in me, but you would fancy
leprechauns or groundhogs
No thank you, Easter Bunny!

I for one get into love...and even though nobody has actually "seen" Cupid, I believe that he exists and shoots people when they least expect it. Don't sleep...cause you know deep down, you believe in love as well. SOMETHIN has got to propel it, why not believe in Cupid?

So to all of my good...or be good at it. *snickers*

Happy Valentine's, Happy Valentine's
Happy Valentine's Day, Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. I featured this same song for V-Day last year. something upbeat is always a good look.

  2. With help from some of our awesome readers I just posted a rock songs podcast for O Hell Nawl (Rock jamz to get the drawlz)...last year it was slow jamz to get the drawlz that was 4 hours of babymaking music lmao

    Happy Valentine's Day

  3. You're hilarious! As I said earlier, somehow you gave me exactly what I needed w/ this song choice. I actually had expected something like "Cupid's Chokehold" (Gym Class Heroes).

    You managed to make the holiday more about Cupid than his victims. Do we ever find out if Cupid had his own boo? Cuz I have a hard time believing in what people say if they don't live according to those same principles... These are the things I ponder. LOL.

    Have a Happy Valentine's Day :o)

  4. What I tried to say 3 days ago, was this song is AWESOME. It's always my Ringtone the week Prior to V-Day. Because I often feel the way he does during the vamp at the end. That transition from Happy V-Day to Eff That V-Day.

    Good Choice.
