Tuesday, January 26, 2010

What's On My Mind

This is something that I'm gonna be doing weekly. A post dedicated to what's on my mind at that time, while using music to illustrate the point.

Last night, I was watching "Intervention" (which is a good show BTW), and Robby from City High was on there. He was having a serious alcohol problem, and his family/friends were trying to get him to participate in an alcohol abuse substance program. Anywho, his girlfriend/mother of his daughter was telling him how much she loved him, and that she couldn't stand to see him like this anymore. Well a friend and I got into a discussion as to what "love" is vs. settling/subjecting yourself to unhealthy relationships, etc. Well as we talked more and more about it and subjects relating to it, this song came into my mind.

Rachelle Ferrell and Will Downing...I mean, I could end the post right here. This song is very powerful, from the first note she sings, til the end when they are damn near professing their love for each other. She sings with such raw power in her voice, and of course, what better person to compliment her than the ultimate crooner himself. I don't think that this song would have been half as good if it wasn't those two singing it. Maybe I'm bias....but hey, shoot me if you think so. Lol

I think this is a perfect example of what love is. She says that even though she's not perfect, but she hopes that he accepts her in spite of her flaws. He returns by saying that she is the perfect person FOR HIM, which is what I think that is what true love is. Someone who loves you in spite of what you think may be a dealbreaker to that person in a relationship. And when you can accept that person for what they are, then nothing else matters in life.

Nothing has ever felt this good
Nothing has ever felt this right
Nothing so sweet
in my life.

Her: I really love you.
Him: I love my life with you
Both: We'll share a life together
I love you for now and forever.

Hey...one day, I'll be there. And when I do get there, nothing will ever be so sweet.


  1. Yeah all I can say is I wholeheartedly concur.

  2. *breaks out tissue box*

    Robby's situation is soooo sad, but it could have been avoided. It's good to know that he's been sober since mid-October and I hope that he keeps it going. He's going to need the support of his family as well in order to make it.

    Back to the song...it does put what true love (to me) is on display. One day I'll find it.

  3. While I understand the spirit in which you wrote this as I too watched that episode last night.( I never knew he could actually sing). That guy is battling some serious demons. I give the girlfriend props for standing by him b/c I dont think I could stand to watch such destructive behavior especially with children in the picture. Robby's mother needs to own the fact that she did her son no good by protecting him and not making hm accountable for his actions at a younger age or current age. The group broke this dudes heart too. Unfortunately he is angry inside and can't deal with emotions properly. Hopefully Intervention really helps him get his life back on track.

  4. I think that Robby's situation is terrible. I can't fathom loving a man so much and watching him hurt himself every day. I imagine I couldn't love him for who he was becoming, but rather for the MAN that I knew him to be. True love sees past the flaws and imperfections, but it should also help us to see the reality of the matter. I think his gf's strength is amazing to have dealt with it for so long and to have still remained non-judgmental in lieu of the imperfect situation -- I think that kind of unyielding, SELFLESS love is exactly what he needs... it’s what we all hope to attain for ourselves.

    Now... you really took me there with this song, cuz I had been thinking about it a few days ago. The lyrics are really honest and raw – perfect imperfections identified by self-exploration… the idea is similar to Shakespeare’s Sonnet 130, but from an introspective view...

    Good stuff.

  5. So I am going to be the odd woman out here - Robby's story was very sad HOWEVER I do not commend his girl for standing by him!

    As a mother there is no way I would EVER put my child or myself in danger. She was not loving in despite his flaws she didn't love herself to recognize what TRUE love is. She needs some self-esteem...PERIOD! At what point do you love yourself more? At what point do you understand pain and disrespect is NOT love. She wasn't helping him get better she was enabling him to continue destructive behavior cause she was scared to lose him!

    The song you selected is a beautiful song - and embraces the TRUE essence of love! The words in this song mean a lot but no where did I see/hear love should be/is a dependency.

    My .08 cents.

  6. Ok I haven't seen the show but I will be looking for it so that I can see what the deal is . . .

    This song . . . speaks of a true love . . . I heard on the radio this morning that old school would give you the wine and dine before the dessert . . but this new school . . they give the dessert first and because of they have ruined any appetite of a full course meal. WHERE THEY DO THAT AT??? I bet you now if you polled 5 people on what true love is . . only 2 would really know . . but I digress . . . good post D.Mitch

    I am glad I was raised old school and for any dude that can't get with it can kick rocks!
