Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Thankful Thoughts
One thing that most people, myself included, are thankful for, is the fact that you have someone that loves you. Whether it be family or friends, it's always a great feeling to know that someone will have your back unconditionally. And when you have both, there's nothing better.
But there is one thing that can enhance that feeling sevenfold (and yes, I said seven..don't judge That's the love of a significant other. One who can bring out feelings in you that you would otherwise have bottled up in a deep dark corner of your soul, never to be released...and to know that they have those same feelings for you, only puts you higher in the realm of happy.
This is what Lalah Hathaway was singin about in her remake of Luther Vandross's hit "Forever, For Always, For Love". She's reminiscing about a past love, and this man made her feel like the top of the world was her stomping grounds. Unfortunately, they broke up, and she wishes that she could do it all again...but this time, righting what illed their first time. I know that we've all had those moments where we longed for the days of exes gone past. She definitely put all of her father's intensity into her version, making me believe that she was feelin what her father felt when he performed it.
The question of the moment is this: would it work this time around? I think that it could...especially if you take what went wrong in the first go around, and work on that, while keeping the good things intact. Once you get that equation up and running safely, there's no way why you and the S.O. shouldn't be in love
For Always
For Love"
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
The Hidden Gem

Understand I can never be your man
Though I can understand that you ready for a family
On the other hand, I love to see your ass
But you contaminated so you need to find a plan B many people know, I wasn't the biggest fan of Wale's last CD: Attention Deficit (which will be another post in itself), but I will admit, that it had some bangers on it. Unfortunately, my favorite song on the cd, was the one that never made it TO the CD. That's right, this cut that's being featured today is Beast, the track that was in the running toward becoming a track on Attention Deficit, but for whatever reason, Wale decided to cut it from the CD.
Beast was produced by 9th Wonder, and I'm not sure what it was that caused him not to include this one, but I swear, this was one of the best tracks produced for that album. The beat had you flowin before you realized it, and Wale was droppin that real truth with the lyrics. Not to say that he didn't do that with other tracks that actually made the cut, but I'm jus sayin...there was always somethin that kept me from feelin those like I'm feelin this one (with the exception of maybe 2-3).
All in all, I feel like this cut woulda brought the grade of A.D. up. This is one of those cuts that you can put in the ride, let the windows down, and just let it bump while you roll down the street. Being where I am right now, I'm sure everyone would be bumpin it right along with it. Wale brought it with this cut. I honestly believe that he redeemed himself...although he shot himself back in the foot for not including this on the CD.
I say check this out, and Wale, if you readin this, don't be leavin off the dope tracks from the next CD!
Monday, November 23, 2009
Spiritual Uplift

For the many times I've fallen,
yet YOU forgave me...
thank you...Lord I thank you
For unmerited favor,
and your brand new mercies
thank I thank you
In the spirit of Thanksgiving, you always have to have a reason to be thankful for. Whether it be because you're alive; it could be for you having a family to go to; or just not succumbing to whatever was ailing you at that point in your life. I believe that the song above will cover all of that. Right now, no matter what you're going through in your life, there is always a spiritual song, that will help to uplift you.
Now those of you reading this blog, know that I'm a man of religion. And with that being said, I realized that I haven't made a religious post yet, and I wanted to fix that error. Especially since these songs that I'm about to list really get me through some hard times.
Now here is where I'm about to get personal for a second. This hasn't been a good year for me or my family, and some of you know this, but thanks to these songs, my faith hasn't fallen completely by the wayside. I know that nobody's life will be perfect, and that's including mine, but even with knowing that, I felt like Satan was really tryin to beat me down. But hey, with music like this, it's hard NOT to believe that one day, you will see the rainbow past the rain.
Marvin Sapp: Perfect Peace - When it all just seems to come at you...
Kirk Franklin: Brokenhearted - For when you're feeling down.
Donald Lawrence: Encourage Yourself - A reason why you shouldn't give up...and the best encouragement should come from yourself.
Kurt Carr: God Blocked It - If it seems like nobody cares, there's always ONE.
Greg O'Quin: I Told the Storm - Claim it moved in the Name.
Smokie Norful: Still Say Thank You - In spite of it all, you still have a reason
Dewayne Woods: Let Go, Let God - You can't do it me, I've tried that route.
Byron Cage: Broken but Healed - You may be down, but you're not out.
Shekinah Glory Ministry: Yes - The only answer when God asks you a question.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
This is it WHAT?

This came up on my iPod while listening to my chill playlist, and I HAD to blog about this one. I know all of my old head hip hop lovers would appreciate this one. Especially if you listened to music during the early to mid 90s.
This is the epitomy of chill music. You can just pop this in the ride, let the windows down on a nice sunny day, and just bounce your head as you riding down the street. The youngens of today wouldn't know nothin about this one...cause this is CLASSIC hip hop right here. Very few groups of today's times could eff with this one...
Even today, this song can be played around the right group and folks still get hype like it came out last night. I know I will. Why: cause this gave us hopes of gettin rich and ballin out the club like this right here:
I play the deef (What?!)
Sensations at the Monte Barbie screamin (Cheeba!)
For fillin pleasures at my castles (Blow the smoke out!)
The boss of Vegas substitutes when the Dutch is gone
No matter what people say and what artists put out, it's music like this that will never grow old. I know this will always get special rotation no matter how old I get....why, cause this is REAL hip-hop.
This is it (What?!)
Luchini pourin' from the sky
Lets get rich (What?!)
I've Got a Real Thing...

Here by my side....someone who needs me..holdin me tight.
Very powerful words by the (then) unknown singer who would capture our hearts with her very first single from an album that wasn't even hers. To this day, not many can say truthfully that she didn't make her mark with this song. Not to mention, it didn't hurt that this track was done by the great Quincy Jones. I mean, seriously, there aren't many tracks that one can say that Q did that wasn't bangers.
"You Put a Move on My Heart" (from the Q's Jook Joint compilation) is one of those songs that you play when you're in the deepest of love with someone (or a strong like If ya wanna tell someone how you feel, just drop this track on em. I bet you'll get ya point across.
"And these special feelings
won't ever fade
Cause I knew from the start....
YOU put a move on my.....heart"
Friday, November 13, 2009
Bad Habits

I think Maxwell spoke a for real truth in this song.
He speaks about someone that he knows is real wrong for him, especially because he's in a relationship at the time. From the beginning of the song, he recognizes that he's dead wrong for gettin the key from ole chick and then using it. But hey, we've all had those types of moments.
This is definitely one of those songs, that I'd recommend gettin play on a rainy night when you tryna get it in. Even if you just wanna play the entire CD (which by the way I do recommend for a good listen....the boy ain't lost his touch!), he sets off the mood right by startin the CD with this song. Very soulful, not too slutty (unless you watchin the video..then that's a Skinemax show lol), and with the right person, you gone get some draws dropped.
I know we done all been there before, hell, I been there recently, but you know what, sometimes, you just can't help yaself. I think Maxwell put it best when he said:
You're my bad habit baby you're my
You're taking my soul down to the letter O
Can't escape the way you got me locked out baby
I gotta break from you, break from you, break from you.
It was that serious....he had to get away 3 times. Don't tell me you ain't been there before.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Battle of the Vocals

Now this is gonna be something different. For many years now, the battle has been who did it better. The song is: "Knocks Me Off My Feet". The three contestants:
Stevie Wonder:
Donell Jones:
and last but not least
Luther Vandross:
Me personally...I always said that Donell did it better. True enough, there were VERY few songs from the Great Blind One himself that people could cover, and cover well, but I kid you not, Donell not only did this song justice, but dammit, he put all kinds of his own into it. I know people are gonna try to tar and feather me, and burn me in the town square for this one, but hey, it's my thoughts, and you can voice your own. LOL
So holla if ya hear me....who you think did it better?
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Straight Sympin

I know that whenever you think of hip-hop music, you don't think about those types of songs where you see folks "sprung", nose "wide open", and the such. I really don't think that I ever thought I'd hear about some dude who decided that this girl was the one who could have him trippin over his own two feet, and much less write about it. But you know what though, it's music like this that is the jam at times when you feelin like this, but you don't wanna admit it to your boys. Songs like this one:
LL wrote the original sympin song. I mean, seriously she musta had that "good good" because one minute he talkin bout he bad and such, then this nigga talkin
When I'm alone in my room
Sometimes I stare at the wall,
and in the back of my mind
I hear my conscious call
tellin me I need a girl
who's as sweet as a dove
for the first time in my life
I see I need love does THAT work? Did she put it on this nigga somethin proper like? LOL. I know yall ladies know how to work it and put it down in the bedroom (well some of, but dayum, it must be serious for him to put it out there like that.
Now T.I. took it to another level with Freak Though. Not only did he put it out there that he wanted to be with this girl, but apparently, she's the neighborhood hoe, and he tryin turn a hoe into a housewife (although he say he don't...but he lyin tho. lol)
Seriously though, this nigga done lost his mind. I mean really, all your boys and your fam done ran through her and you still tryin to make her wifey? Yeah...uh...not quite. But hey, you like it, I'll tolerate it. I just hope that I don't fall into THAT gap. lol
Then if that ain't bad enough, after he done wifed up the girl, you then tell her that she can buy the bank out and "have whatever she like".
Like for real doe...I'm outta suggestions at this point. Some good friends and I had this phrase called "Tampabayin", where she could do anything she wanted to and get away with it. It sounds like T.I. is a member of this club, cause he believe "it ain't trickin if you got it." I call shenanigans on that line. LOL
Last but not least, we gots this one here:
Now she really know he sprung...cause he done told her she the best he EVER had. I mean seriously, even if she is, do you tell her that? Does that mean that you whipped from head to toe? That she can use you for her personal carpet? LOL. I know the women reading this are gonna have issues with that, but honestly, I think so. There are ways to show her that you feelin her without losing your manhood.
I hope that these negroes get it together for the men...we lookin real simp-lified right now. LOL
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
The Last Time

I know it's been a minute since I last posted, but you know the musical mind never stops spinnin, so it's gonna be quite a few posts coming through the pipes. So be ready kids.
Today's post is inspired by a trending topic on Twitter: best feeling. Actually it's both best and worst, but I like to not think about the worst feeling, cause Lord knows I've been through a few of those lately, so I'm writing about the best feeling. As I was participating in the trending topic, this song popped into my mind, simply because the majority of my tweets were about romantic things involving someone of the opposite sex (who shall remain nameless, but I'm sure is reading this too).
How many folks have ever hoped that the person that you're currently dating would be "it"? The last one. The last time for just about everything involved in dating. I think that Eric Benet hit the nail on the head on this one.
"Now don't hold back, just let me know
Could I be moving much too fast, or way too slow.
Cause all of my life, I've waited for this day,
To find that once in a lifetime,
this is it, I'll never be the same.
You'll never know, what it's taken me to say these words,
and now that I've said them, they could never be enough.
As far as I can see, there's only you, and only me.
This is the LAST TIME, I'll fall in love"
These are some really deep words right here, and said to the right person, I'm sure they would make all the world in your relationship. I dunno that I can say that right now, but I know that when I do, it's a wrap for the kid. I just hope that will be sooner than later. There are quite a few songs that could describe these feelings just the same, but to be honest, I'm sure we're all looking for "The Last Time".
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