Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Where Do You Go....

In time of trouble? How do you handle the situations of your life that aren't that great....well, I mean that have you downright ready just to snap? I know we've all been through those times before....so how do you handle it? Here is one song that I have on REPEAT when I go through those times.

Recently, I just felt like I had been under attack for no apparent reason. I always know something is going on when it feels like the world around me was crashing down on my head. Usually, when this happens, I start to listen to gospel music extra tough...just because I know where my help comes from. (that tidbit came courtesy of a post I read yesterday...shoutout to SIL). This song comes right in handy for me...because I know that regardless of what's going on my life, God will make a way.

Even though I can't see you
And I can't feel your touch
I will trust you Lord
How I love you so much
Though my nights may seem long
and I feel so alone
Lord my trust is in YOU
I surrender to YOU

Those are deep words right there. But those are the truth if you really think about it.

Here are a couple of songs that I love to listen to when I'm goin through:

Now if you know me, then you know that I'm always talking about a "quiet place" or "perfect peace". Honestly, in my mind, they go hand in hand with each other. Normally, when I go to my quiet place, perfect peace is what I'm looking for. It's what keeps me in focus when I'm about to go crazy.

And what I love about this time is that when it's over with, things normally come out 10 times better than when I started....which makes me appreciate THIS song even more:

Just when I thought all was said and done, God said "Not GUILTY". Shoutout to Thin Mint for puttin me onto this song.

I hope that this blesses someone immensely....and remember "you can't see the rainbow without goin through the RAIN".

Be Blessed readers!


  1. Get in that Quiet Place my brother

  2. Never heard perfect peace and i like! I need that #pleaseandthankyou

    I am happy my post yesterday spoke to you and Thin Mint!!! It is amazing what the power of prayer can do!!

  3. This was right on time. Almost as if it were written just for me to read.

    Thank you for this post. *nod*

  4. Number great words, But my song right now is God Favored Me, and Grateful. These two songs allow me to see that when life keeps handing me BAM that I have to Thank God because he simple let me see another day, which means another chance to change the wrongs of yesterday into my rights of today !!!! Great Post Number!

  5. That "Justified?" Baby bye! He starts in with that "not guilty" and I am done.for.

  6. this was right on time. It's amazing how God uses your situation to help others

  7. I'm glad I was able to bless everyone that commented on this post. It's always interesting to see that sonmeone is going through something similar (if not the same exact thing) as you are, yet you'd never know it.
