This song brings back memories of cleaning up on Saturday morning, and Moms would play the records to get us (read her) motivated. I didn't know what it was back then, or what was considered to be good music, all I know is that it had a good beat, and we would dance around the house while cleaning. Now that I'm older, I can appreciate the words as well as the music.
Another one that made the record player top list was this one:
I know that we all remember this from the olden days...this is probably one of his most popular songs....outside of this one:
Now this has gots to be the most famous song to ever come out of the 70s. I know people who were born after me, who know this song and ONLY this song as being wrote and performed by Marvin.
Here is another very popular song that was known by many:
I think that it's really sad that his father had to kill him in the act of jealousy, because Marvin is one who could have still been producing timeless music to this day. The world was done a great disservice when he was taken away.
Just as a side note, here are some great duets that he produced with other people:
I still say that Tammi Terrell was the love of his life, and he just didn't admit it to anyone. D'Angelo and Erykah Badu did a decent remake of this song, but it still didn't touch the original.
The title explains it least to me. The real thing...get into that.
This song provided Method Man and MJB with a bangin track. Marvin and Tammi....enough said.
This one, while not with Tammi, is still a hit. This one features Diana Ross...who we all know can hold her own with some of the game's greatest.
Marvin Pentz Gay, Jr., even though you were taken away from us too early in the game, you still left us with some gems of music to ease away the pain. Your music will never grow old, and it will continue to warm the hearts of those who heard it first, and even those who came about after your death. May you R.I.P.