Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Prelude to 2011

First off, Happy New Year! I know that it's been a while since I've done this, but I felt like I wanted/needed some time to gather my thoughts and mind together, so here we are. But it's a new year, so it's time for some new thoughts/music, and more to share.

I know that for a lot of us, 2010 was a year that we'd rather forget about in many aspects. Things as big as on a international level down to personal issues occurred and while they are things that we wish didn't, we'd rather leave them in the past. So I feel that for my introduction back into the blogging game, and as a prelude to 2011, this song has been sitting on my mind heavily:

There were things in my life that I knew shouldn't have happened, but because of God, I was able to receive them. And in the new year, I hope that it multiplies by many...not because I deserve them, but because He will supply my (and your) every need.

Hope this helps out someone who may need it, or if not you, then you can pass it along to someone you know may need it.

Be easy readers....and most of all, be blessed!

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