Friday, July 30, 2010
You're the Blood in my Veins
You're the air I breathe
On a hot summer day you're like a shirt with no sleeve
This is a deep song right here...full of power about the one you love. This song has been in my brain for a minute now, and I've been wanting to blog about here it goes. I'm sure my readers know this song, but if not, then enjoy it.
Angie and Calvin...this is real. Why? Because they were dating when they recorded I know at least ONE of them meant it. LOL
Now, here is the kicker: rumor is that when they broke up, Angie got mad and recorded this same song with Joe. How scandalous is that?!
But here is the other version...let's see which one you guys like better.
Leave your thoughts easy!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Thoughtful Thursday - When You Say You Love Someone

How much do you really love that person? You say that you would go to the ends of the earth for them...and that's all well and dandy, but what happens when someone else catches your eye? You know your heart belongs to the person that you're with, but for some reason, this other person has caught your interest so tough, that you're in a dilemma. Donell Jones described how he would handle this situation:
I had a full blown discussion with a couple of people that I follow on Twitter about this topic. They said that this type of stuff can happen to anyone, no matter what the situation or how long they've been in a relationship. I tend to agree with them. You can't help who you fall in love with, and if you put yourself in their vicinity for long enough, you'll find yourself mixed up in an emotional battle that you weren't prepared for.
This sucks for a number of reasons: #1 being that the person that you're involved with has NO clue what's going on. They think that all is well in their life, when all along, they have no clue that the world that they know and love is about to come crashing down around them. #2 is because all the while, more than likely, you're about to lose something good because you allowed yourself to get caught up in the game. It's bad all the way around, but you got yourself into this it's up to you to get yourself out of it. There's plenty more reasons I could list, but we'd be here all day!
Now here's the kicker: I actually agree with the sentiment that he poses in this song. I'd rather you leave me alone, than to play me for the fool by juggling (or attempting to at least) a bunch of folks around while keeping me in the dark. So if you've got to roll out because of this, then I'll chuck you the deuces quick, fast, and in a hurry. It may hurt like hell, and we may not talk for quite some time, but in the end, I think I'd respect you more for ending what we have, than running around trying to hide it. I know this sounds strange, but it's the honest to God truth. I don't know if I can think of a single person who would say otherwise (at least truthfully). Think about it long and hard.
How do you feel about this topic? Readers...drop your thoughts!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Farewell to My Fallen Brother

Lately, I've been feeling some kinda way about life in general...and although I have been receiving a lot of blessings as of late, something was keeping me down. Yesterday was especially bad, because I woke up just knowing that it was gonna be "one of those days", where I knew I was about to be in a bad mood. Then it hit me:
Today is my deceased brother's birthday. I'm not sure many of my readers knew I had an older brother, much less a deceased older brother. Well yep..I do. He passed away almost 13 years ago to an alcohol related accident. Although many years have passed, I still feel some type of pain whenever two specific dates come around: 1.) his birthday and 2.) the date he died.
Now I didn't write this post to gain any sympathy from my readers...but I always tell people that blogging/writing is very therapeutic for me, and that I always feel better after doing so. Also, I was told today that my blogging was missed, and that I needed to make that happen again. Not to mention, that I think this song appropriate in showing how I feel to my readers. I'm sure that we've all lost someone special to us in life, and at that time, you just didn't know how to say goodbye to them. To me, it's just as hard down the line to say that word, as it is fresh after that infamous day. I just look at it this way though...he knows what's goin on as I believe that he's looking down upon me right now...watching my every move.
Just as a bonus, I'm posting a song that was really popular around the time that he passed...I know. Don't judge me. LOL
Monday, July 12, 2010

Nope...this ain't about Maxwell. Gotcha!
How many folks remember this dude:
This song was bangin....and then he just fell off the face of the earth. Like really? What happened to this dude? Maybe he shoulda hung out with some like minded the 3Ts (Tony Toni Tone...and if you don't know who they are then you need to check this out.)
Hmmm....this dude coulda been a starrah. Unfortunately, he fell into that same river that Noel Gourdin been singin about since '47. But at least he got his 15
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